Wiped out traumatized very sorry I am behind on exposing the little emperor with no clothes Mike Bloomberg the historic tech corruption, Cathie Black Howie Wolfson stop and frisk them all before they leave city hall.
Trauma exhaustion mode for me so understand I am not slacking just wiped out.
Since the assault at Dr Fagelman and NYPD abuses verbal violence threats and crime of coercion I gained weight. After the assault rapid weight loss than weird weight swings.
I am dealing with my Dad's death and lots of responsibilities and also worries including even trying to give up things like a computer to an activist but easier said than down.
I woke up on and off through out the night and morning.
Stress dreams about Dad and handling the responsibilities post death.
I also await news from my Judge on the Federal lawsuit. I am hoping and praying she allows me a three page sur.
Wiped out. Have so much I want to blog about Bloomberg administration and I am soooo tired.
Come back. I will get sizzling just worn out.