Did Bloomberg's vid tech do their best to edit me out lowering volume on backround - me yelling him down (see link bottom of post sure seems like they did) and even cleverly edited out Mike's shocked expression? Even so u can hear me.
AUGUST 20, 2012
Mayor Bloomberg Announces Indycar Engine Design Company to Open On Former Brownfield Site Remediated by the New York City Brownfield Cleanup Program

Minute 2:42 -- You can hear me yell down Bloomberg -- you can hear the words Mayor Bloomberg -- you can hear "CityTime"
Way to go...this is what NY is all about -- a chance for everybody to express themselves....even if it means taking away other's rights to express themselves. I have no idea what she is talking about. If anyone does, I would be happy to take a question afterwards.
Hey Mike -- How about Norman Siegel and I follow-up on your offer at the next press conference with the media there. I can tell you exactly what I was talking about and what your responses since I have you on tape making the offer to learn what I was talking about or where you not being sincere?
Mike says I have a right to express myself than explain Lt. O'Sullivan interfered with my rights on a public sidewalk and the handsome Lt. says the code for "Disturbing the Peace" when I am speaking out for the People of NYC on the largest crimes ever in NYC gov. history CityTime and ECTP the 911 Tech System.
You hear my on NYC gov video now hear mine and watch Lt. O'Sullivan approach me. I had called IA re: Det. Lynch's abusve behavior to me, than Norman Siegel, than CCRB. The handsome Lt. asks to speak to me when I get off CCRB but when I got off the phone I saw Mike Bloomberg at the batter's box and took the opportunity to speak up on behalf of the People of NYC and the tax payers who have been robbed like never before in the CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech scandals.