* Arts executives, fundraisers and artists are uneasy over the impending departure of Bloomberg from City Hall, worried about losing a mayor who is receptive to their needs and who has the wealth to bolster their budgets, The New York Times writes:http://nyti.ms/13iGXWJ
My opinion more poverty more homeless obscene aresty and ticketing artist vendors and vet vendors as mike puked bad art all over public spaces as if he was a compulsive litter and wasted tax payer dollars but not like the billions he poured in to corrupt contractors and over priced consultants mostly all tech but even mike's favorite non profit Seedco caught stealing.
911 2 billion plus dollars, 1 bill over budget does not work properly, CityTime 700 mil over budget both require pencils for flawed over priced tech messes... Who cares 911 our lives...