CityTime Curse continues.. and this steamy reality novel keeps getting hotter than last weeks heatwave...To the new readers (we love new readers) CityTime has got its cast of comic characters, in today's chapter fight for what is right, Robbin Geller (law firm that represents SAIC shareholders) sues NYC and team Bloomberg to "show more of their stuff" , a hard push and shove to get to the truth of corruption, Robbin Gellar says Bloomberg's office and the court have blocked access to CityTime records. How can they make their case for the screwed shareholders? Gee whiz there's supposedly 9,000,000 documents of corruption on CityTime, they need to share the right ones, the ones that matter, like who else was involved? Is there a coverup? What's the deal with the SAIC DPA (Defferred prosecution agreement), how come they are shielded and still in the headlines with more fines and penalities? http://www. news/200/ saicfalseclaims06132013/
Barry Bohrer, Criminal defense lawyer to Gerard Denault, fired SAIC program manager on CityTime, its your move this week, "oral arguments" to compel the City and DOI to give it up? Is there "black book" of names? Meanwhile back in SAIC City, New Chief John Jumper ain't no porn star took over the helm of SAIC cleanup, John Jumper and sex he was the 2003 Air Force sex scandal cleanup man newshour/bb/military/jan- june03/airforce_3-26.html. And ex-exec supervisor to Denault, Deb "doesn't go down" , rather gets "tapped" Alderson lands two consecutive dream jobs post SAIC firing, wow she must be great. Direct supervisor to Largest alleged crime in NYC, so Deb and Gerard never spoke?, who signed the CityTime Contracts, its was not Denault?. http:// articles/2013/06/24/sotera- alderson-ceo.aspx
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Robbins Geller Says NYC Blocked Access To CityTime Docs
Robbins Geller Rudman the law firm representing SAIC shareholders