As much as I know get it --how corrupt Koch was as well -- he at least tried to lift the spirit of NYC will Mike is trying to destroy the spirit and soul of NYC but truly we need posters to fight violence guns and no guns required as well as the largest corruption -- theft and abuse of tax payer money ever in the history of NYC gov starting with 911 Tech system and CityTime and all under Bloomberg and mostly all tech....
Mike spent a record amount of money on ads for his campaign and also to plug his company --- the line between both gray and than he puts his name on NYC gov ads when ever he can but just one more example of him confusing his private empire with his public one and that he really should resign.
With the 911 Tech System and CityTime, NYCAPS and 311 alone he has confused tax payer money with his private charity allowing a revolving door of corruption and rewarding a culture of failure.
If he did that in his private empire he would be poverty level.
The MTA ad agency refused to even give me a quote on a price which is discrimination when I asked for a price quote for my ad "When Mike Bloomberg says "Progress" he means get your moving van."
The MTA's ad agency told me they would not approve it. They refused to give me a price anyway.
See photos of Mike Bloomberg' ads on Grand Central steps.....