Sheldon Silver UnKosher Move for longtime pal Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman
Wow Sheldon Silver just won't learn his lesson he is not the ruler of NYC and for now Silver is confident he is above the law.
It sure feels like he broke a few or acted disgustingly misogynist and wrongly protecting sex predator Vito Lopez who belongs in jail but Sheldon Silver is proof we need term limits an the disgusting chutzpah like Bloomberg and Quinn pushing through an illegal third term and now Sheldon wants to add an illegal 8 years for his pal who should retire.
Add Charles Rangel as yet another poster boy along with Lopez, Espada, etc that we need limits and serious policing with jail time for corrupt movers and shakers way too confident they are above the law.
In this case gee I wonder why Shelly wants to keep Lippman on the bench -- could it be $$$$$$$$$$
that Lippman would do some favors and fixing....oh no excuse me it does not work that way.