I won a huge win when I caught Henry Buhl's people dropping illegal planters where Vet Vendors and Artist have tables because the NYPD weren't ticketing them enough although the NYPD did give Vets why too may tickets over bullshit....... Vet Vendors alerted the NYPD about Bomb Times Square and SERVED our Country! Many NYPD Vets and they don't want to ticket vets but the rich folk own the NYPD?
Let's hope Capt Brendan Timoney has more sensitivity to Veterans than Deputy Ed Winski.
When Henry Buhl (shit) calls you and the Mercer Hotel management tell them to stop breaking laws first before they ask NYPD to ticket our Veterans! Those planters illegal and if OWS dropped them they would have been removed instantly and arrests. Instead the planters sat there for almost 6 months.
I already took a photo of a very expensive red mercedes parked illegally in the mercer hotel's loading and unloading zone.