New Youtube error Agostino and Gino not lobbyist HP but Northrop Grumman via @youtube
I am right my exclusive they were lobbyist for Deloitte SAIC's auditor while SAIC was robbing CityTime.
Agostino and Gino ex dept of info tech biggies profited and on tax payer tech Titanics. Guess who didnt say stop the high way robbery including clients they represented but instead pull of brinks trucks?
Extreme exhaustion Jimmy Stewart Mr Smith Goes to Washington 24/7 and getting violent assaulted lied about corrupt cops involved has really harmed me and my health including getting rest. I do my best.
The big news for me is my exclusive on Agostino Gino Deloitte because I want NYC gov to go after SAIC's auditor.
March 16 --- another error sorry folks -- Agostino and Gino not lobbyists Deloitte but Sal Salamone.
Agostino and Gino lobbyists for plenty of others that robbed us blind.... Agostino listed lobbyist for Microsoft.