Mike Bloomberg NYPD out of control control freaks.
Read my blog posts from last night including the NYPD yet again guilty of kidnapping an innocent woman who was over heard saying I wish they would stop Stop and Frisk just like the NYPD kidnapped NYPD whistle blower Adrian Schoolcraft and illegally had him held hostage in mental ward of a hospital. Yes corrupt stupid people call whistle blowers crazy but they are the crazy ones.
Schoolcraft held hostage a prisoner prevented from running to the press to prove NYPD crime not down but fixed while Mike barely won an election stating a lie crime was down like the lie he and Chris Quinn sold only Mike could help us with the economy.
NYPD want video drones etc but NYPD caught on video breaking the law with their own Taru unit --see me link on OWS Michael Primo not guilty -- DA and NYPD worked together to prevent Taru video and NYPD testimony proving Premo innocent NYPD gulity.
NYPD whistle blower Adrian Schoolcraft secretly recorded his bosses breaking laws fixing crimes etc. suing NYC for 50 million and corrupt cops do not care because Tax Payers pick up their legal bills. I am the victim of corrupt cops. Violently assaulted by a medical receptionist. No arrest for nearly blinding me - I had eye surgery or go blind and had to get Ron Kuby to fight off corrupt Det.
See my posts from last night.
Hey are Agostino Cangemi and Gino Menchini lobbyists for Microsoft on Domain Awareness? Agostino listed lobbyist for Microsoft.
Just asking. How powerful it must feel to leave Doitt a corrupt cess pool to become a lobbyist and profit just like Rudy's deputy mayors did with SAIC CityTime crime and they tried pushing über corrupt SAIC mya deal.
No wonder folks leave nyc gov and make big money using nyc gov connections... Too bad we were robbed no arrests of nyc gov officials...too many false arrests innocent people.