New York City pension funds oppose re-election of 2 longtime Hewlett-Packard board members
Star Tribune not a new york news paper hardee har released 3PM Friday as well another wards buried --- new york media covering up mega scandal....for guess who Mike Bloomberg Team Bloomberg Christine Quinn and I bet Rudy G. roots on this like CityTime. * Gino Menchini and Agostino Cangemi once ran DOIT (doitt aided and abetted tech titanics) and than become lobbyists Agostino TechnoDyne CityTime and both of these guys HP who endangered our lives in my opinion having no 911 experience but guess who pushed them and how HP got this job amazing story! Here is just one in a series of posts on how IXP loses contract and HP with no experience replaces them.
Star Tribune not a new york news paper hardee har released 3PM Friday as well another wards buried --- new york media covering up mega scandal....for guess who Mike Bloomberg Team Bloomberg Christine Quinn and I bet Rudy G. roots on this like CityTime. * Gino Menchini and Agostino Cangemi once ran DOIT (doitt aided and abetted tech titanics) and than become lobbyists Agostino TechnoDyne CityTime and both of these guys HP who endangered our lives in my opinion having no 911 experience but guess who pushed them and how HP got this job amazing story! Here is just one in a series of posts on how IXP loses contract and HP with no experience replaces them.
Question -- Whom at City Hall pushed HP with no 911 to be lead contractor on ECTP the way Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayor lobbyists and Mike Bloomberg Mark Page Christine Quinn pushed SAIC and protected SAIC until they couldn't.
Reminder May 2012 John Liu press release on HP ECTP 911 audit calls for Criminal Investigation and Cy Vance to my knowledge has done nothing.
Who appointed HP board members hardee har....Rudy or Mike? Both pushed SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin in CityTime and ECTP 911 mega scandals very similar but 911 big scam and covered up still amazing...and NYC media aiding and abetting because another fixed mayoral election coming or should I say media doing their best to make sure Quinn in
Glenn Hutchins sells off his Gartner Group stock and who at City Hall pushed Gartner who in my opinion also gross over billed us from 911 to Board of Elections to any all consultanting.....
*I bet 2 top dogs DOITT one connect to rudy -- his lawyer NY pension lobbyists 911 contractor just like TechnoDyne CityTime. (Lobbyists GM AC is my guess.)
I meld their names in to one emotional typo in the East Village blog post....
Agostino Cangemi was Rudy's lawyer on NYC pensions...u can alway find rudy roots hardee har.
Look how many Rudy's guys lobbyists profiting on NYC mega tax titanics and never spoke up -- the heads of DOITT weren't rushing over to have a chat with Rose Gill Hearn our Cathie Black of Dept of Investigation but Christine Quinn and her puppets at City Council green lighted all this corruption anyway.
by the way use my work how about credit me...
Copy and paste links including NYDN piece Gino at Bloomberg daughter's wedding.
I want forensic audit on 311 as well and contractors. All tech. How ironic.