How sad is it People in the darkness in the cold the most fragile New Yorkers may be dead as yet undiscovered in their apartments as well as more to die and our President does not say delay the election until after the Nor'Easter -- delay the election until we get People settled in to safety and warmth -- no biz as usual.
This election is so wrong. I am not voting for Pres Obama....I am not voting for Romney -- may vote Green Party or right in someone's name.
This is not a democratic process -- just like Bloomberg and Christine Quinn pushing through an illegal third term.
Mike Bloomberg stole a third term - he and Christine Quinn used slush money, Mike's charity, money Mike funneled including from a dummy account to Allison Jaffin one of many that when crossed examined by Dennis Vacco suffered amnesia -- where they coached by Patti Harris's husband and Mike testilied.
Mike did back room deals the way Christine Quinn is right now....they involved NYU, Rudin, you name it....
all during the Haggerty Trial and Mike was guilty of broken campaign laws and funneling money -- lucky no Feds wire tapping Team Bloomberg!