'Professional Agitators' on NYPD 'Wanted' Flier Beat Charges
HARLEM — The Harlem couple who had their faces and home address displayed on "wanted posters" after being branded "professional agitators" by the NYPD for filming police stop-and-frisks have been aquitted or had charges against them dropped.
Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20121129/central-harlem/professional-agitators-on-nypd-wanted-flier-beat-charges?utm_content=silvia.sanza%40gmail.com&utm_source=VerticalResponse&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=%27Professional%20Agitators%27%20on%20NYPD%20%27Wanted%27%20Flier%20Beat%20Charges&utm_campaign=Award-Winning%20Austrian%20Chef%20Serves%20Up%20a%20Taste%20of%20Homecontent#ixzz2DexoF9WE
Stay tuned -- this is just the beginning....
I have a funny feeling we will be hearing more on the topic of stop and frisk...as well as other creative policing that perhaps has crossed the line.....