U want to understand corruption Albany to City Hall look to real estate dealings Lopez and even Bloomberg's mini me Christine Quinn. Very interesting. Look at all ny politicians and their role in real estate. Look at how they voted on NYU and Rudin's corrupt St Vincent Hospital deal. Look at their personal holdings past and present where they live how they got their. Look at Quinn, Margarita Lopez, Rosie Mendez, Margaret Chin anyone in NY politics Albany to city hall like Carl Kruger - take a look how they live and how they vote not representing People and democracy but greed!!!
Start with Bloomberg look take a look.... Is it true Cathie Black brokered air sale Bloomberg Zuckerman and one of her rewards a job with NYC Gov.?
Look at corrupt dealings including eminent domain abuse, illegal air sales like 120 E 12 by USPD to NYU over St Ann's from 1847!!! No protective zoning St Vincent's Quinn's own district and look at her acquisition and insider price her new home????
Note: Lopez and his puppet city council helped push an illegal third term for Bloomberg Quinn and voted for corrupt community crushing development. Bloomberg Quinn needed to have 3rd tern and want Quinn to over sea more corruption.