Fracking has come to NYC . A pipeline is being built in Greenwich Village that will carry FRACKED gas and RADIOACTIVE radon into every home. The safety record of the builder is poor meaning the West Village and Lower Chelsea including the Highline, the Meat Market an the Hudson Guild Housing will fall into a potential blast zone. We have no hospital since the politicians allowed St Vincent's to be closed. If a pandemic explosion were to happen major loss of life and property can take place . For the three weeks Occupy the Pipeline with Sane Energy and other environmental groups have been making a presence at the Hudson River Park where the drilling has begun. Please watch these two videos . While money involved has attracted some politicians like Mayor Bloomberg and hedge fund investors, we the people can fight back. Save our neighborhood, save our water supply. If you watch these two videos you will learn it is happening right now in Greenwich Village. I have also included an excellent site to bring you up to speed on what fracking is and the dangers it presents. Educate yourself and talk to your neighbors .. right now the Governor Cuomo is deciding if he will allow fracking in NY, He appears to be leaning towards allowing it , let him know how you feel. Vermont has banned any kind of fracking. Join us in our activities at the pipeline over the next few weeks.
I would love to hear your feedback! And fdo share on FB and forward to your friends
jim fouratt
Please watch
here is a video of the actual cutting into the pavement (earth) by Spectra crew at site of pipeline in Greenwich Village at 7:30 AM September 4th 2012 . Two Occupy the Pipeline witnesses comment on this next step by Spectra to bring fracked gas carrying radioactive radon into NYC.
here is a very short video of the actual cutting without the commentary
residents and business are forming a local anti-fracking group to fight the pipeline and stop Governor Cuomo from giving approval for fracking upstate that threatens to poison the drinking water of NYC
west villagers and Chelsea residents join us :
GREAT site put together by Sean Lennon and Yoko Ono that will bring you up to speed on fracking dangers
From Suzannah B. Troy
No hospital in the West Village.....reminder Sept. 11 St. Vincent's was open.
Christine Quinn wants to be mayor ? She is such a sell-out!