Hi I am Steve Levin and even more arrogant than Mike Bloomberg!
Steve Levin acts like he is above The People of this great City like he is Mike Bloomberg Junior but even Mike Bloomberg was disgusted with this putz and pulled Steve Levin's parking placard because The NY Post shamed Bloomberg in to making corrupt city council members that is Steve Levin pay-up oops and Steve Levin hasn't paid his parking tickets.
Steve Levin thinks paying parking tickets is for the little People!
Look at the photo! So Mike-ish!
Mike Bloomberg can't get the 6 figure salary Levin to pay all those unpaid parking tickets even with a parking placard so Bloomberg decided only one emperor in town and pulled Levin's parking placard!
Pay-out Steve Levin and guess what you in theory represent the People although you act like an arrogant some and think you are above the law as well as the People unless they grease your palm?
Is that how it works in NYC gov you scratch my back...?
Steve Levin is not a down to earth guy so don't expect to hear from this arrogant putz -- because he isn't about to pick up the phone just like pay parking tickets that is beneath him.
Dominio Sugar Scandal -- want to hear from Steve Levin than expect to sweeten his coffee?
Read the Dominio Sugar Factory dirty dealings with his mentor Vito Lopez?
Why haven't the Feds indicted Lopez and why did Cuomo abuse tax payer money tossing money in to the black hole of Lopez's corruption... Does Lopez have naked pictures of someone or something?
Andrew Cuomo distanced himself from Vito Lopez before election and than maybe he got word the Feds were not going to indict this year harder har?
Vito Lopez posts major in your face corruption and he continues on his dirty dealings?
See the link above from my corrupt NY City State blog!
Steve Levin is truly one of the most arrogant City Council members in office. As soon as he got in to office he developed a Marie Antoinette complex and now he acts like Mike Bloomberg except Steve Levin doesn't have 22 billion dollars.
Levin earns over a hundred thousand dollars as do all city council members and I dubbed Steve Levin "Christine Quinn's Lulu Boy" yes Christine Quinn gave him his bonus a lulu the same day Goldman Sachs got their bonuses still.
Steve Levin earns over a 100,000 dollars a year and he can't afford to pay parking tickets but the Little People have to or else?
Steve Levin earns over a 100,000 dollars a year and he can't afford to pay parking tickets but the Little People have to or else?