Looking back at Stephen Goldsmith Crains' breakfast clear Mike had his eye on The White House
Robert Moses vs Jane Jacobs Advocacy and Victory birthed I mock Goldsmith and Quinn both compared to Jane Jacobs
Shooting 6 bullets fired N9th St not far from McCarren -- hey Steve levin anything to say -- paid those parking tickets.
50 million dollars for a pool aka money laundering....
Fran Leibowitz gives NYU Bloomberg City Council Rudin hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fran refers to Angry New Yorkers -- how about me?
I yell down Christine Quinn -- a fire truck passes us -- I ask her what is she going to do if a terror attack occurs....we have no hospital
Henry Buhl illegal planters still there -- new threat by NYPD to ticket Vet Vendors over any anal thing the NYPD can come up with.
Buhl implicated in Vesco scandals...above the law Prince St.
Christine Quinn never filled slush watch dog position -- oh yeah she did from within -- a yes man to green light her slush abuse.
Notes on community meeting Rudin demolition St. Vincent's community sez lies
newest youtube from last week tsunami of corruption 911 tech system front and center in the storm.
Contribute money to publishing book outing Christine Quinn's corruption and Betrayal...