Thursday, July 26, 2012 there is no democracy in NYC. Reminder John Sexton ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a third term. If you go to YouTube and type NYU Handicap you can find a youtube series I made of NYU and The Villager hosting a debate Quinn and her opponents where they happen to turn away NY1, City Hall News and senior citizens who patiently stood in line while Quinn's supporters magically all got in. Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara to learn how Quinn locked out her own district from testifying they demand a hospital where St Vincent's was .
Quinn locked out her own district and refuses to investigate why an ambulance took a half hour when her own district member 75 years old passed out from the freezing cold. A man asked if if this was a line for a rock concert. Quinn can't face her own district's anger and they will vote I'm a block against her for mayor.
Quinn was married by political fixer judge Judy Kaye who fixed it with Cuomo's blessing do Paterson guilty of silencing witness of spousal abuse -- witness tampering as well as perjury walked and why is violence towards women, spousal abuse and rape up and under reported in NYC. John Sexton NYU, WOR and Cuomo MTA all hire Dave Paterson and Quinn invites Cuomo Paterson to her politically fixed marriage. You can fool some of the People some of the time... These people are beyond Karmically challenged and clearly think The People of NY are fools. They are proof the very same greed and stupidity that caused Wall St implosion and mortgage meltdown alive and well and they learned nothing.