Looking back it is clear Bloomberg brought him in and put all his campaign staff on because Mike Bloomberg wanted to be President of the United States.
He really had the burning wish and that was we he burdened the tax payers with his campaign staff who are not qualified in any service job in NYC gov.....yes City Hall means serving the People and Bloomberg and his other deputy mayor Christine Quinn think they rule.
I talk about unemployment than and now guess what is 10 percent which is higher than the rest of the country!
Mike will not get a job at The White House. Wait until the CityTime trial begins.
Look and you will see perhaps Liz Holzman captured in my YouTube doing what -- introducing herself on behalf of SAIC to Goldsmith his first morning working for king Mike. Most of SAIC's lobbyists Rudy Giuliani's boys and all were his deputy mayors.
Reminder Mike Bloomberg pushed SAIC here in NYC and not just for the CityTime deal like he was a drug kingpin.
Just a reminder Team Bloomberg approved HP taking over the 911 tech system and HP not qualified and over billed us just like SAIC handing in lousy work for top dollars.
Some great biz tech whiz is Mike. He would be homeless if he ran his private empire this way.