I believe the have paid special helpers to push my blog posts down but one hilarious note -- google Quinn and one photo of me surrounded by hers are up top front page.
For some reason straight men find this photo very, very sexy.
I am wearing a home made protest shirt protesting Christine Quinn Slush abusers.
Too bad the US Attorney gave her a get out of jail free card -- too bad Justice is blind deaf and dumb when it comes to Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn and her staff.
Reminder Mike Bloomberg and someone or a group from Bloomberg camp I believe are the ones behind removal my YouTube channel and urgently requested the Wiki Page on me being censored. The wiki page group attack claimed I am not famous enough. It is hard being a critic of Mike Bloombeg’s and getting media recognition. Two posts reporting my work by Liz Benjamin of the NYDN were removed and FYI -- every major newspaper has used my work from my blogs and YouTubes and not credited me.