It was not hard to figure out when you have Andy Cuomo and Christine Quinn have close ties.....
Andy Cuomo got Judge Judy Kaye to fix it so Dave Perjury Paterson can walk as well as silence a victim of spousal abuse with the only honest staff members in Albany resigning ----
and Christine Quinn got the corrupt judge Judy Kaye political fixer to marry her -- political fixer political wedding with a few hundred close friends that are banking on Quinn becoming our next mayor.
Of course witness tampering misogynist Dave Perjury Paterson was invited to Christine Quinn's wedding because she support lying under oath and silencing victims of spousal abuse, in this case Paterson's best friend who he had as a government employee -- tax payers dole -- Dave Johnson -- 6 foot 9 but hey so is John Sexton NYU and WOR all fine with Dave's criminal behavior!
Party on!