Even Dead New Yorkers Wake-Up!
We have the largest abuse, theft, fraud of tax payer money ever in NYC Gov. History EVER -- combined it is in the billions of dollars and I want the money back plus damages.
Preet Bharara has to do a re-do on the CityTime indictment and go back in time.
Mike Bloomberg and SAIC hammered about the 455,000 million dollar pay-back which I and only day 1 said was way to low and an agreement to sweep even larger corruption under the rug! Here is a link to Richard Valcich letter and it was before Denault ever worked for SAIC on CityTime! Wake-up we were robbed again.
HP is just the tip of the ice berg.....ECTP 911 tech -- we went over a billion dollars on the 1 billion dollar budget = 2 billion -- where the hell did that money go? I have a billion guesses but how about this -- we were robbed and ditto across the boards on the majority or all the tech contracts because the thieves were confident they would not be held accountable just like we have not held one NYC gov official accountable ---
where are the arrests CityTime for instance of one NYC gov official...
by the way -- what are Joel Bondy, Sal Salamone, Mark Page and Mike Bloomberg up to these days...hardee har as well as how many key lobbyists connected to CityTime SAIC MTA Deal and ECTP -- just curious!
Why have SAIC share holders sued top SAIC officials holding them accountable but we have not and Preet Bharara US Attorney has not except on 1 count?
Richard Valcich any comment? Why did you go from hero to zero to say?