We know Mike sends his undercover people with video cameras so expose corrupt dealings out side of NYC but he will never allow video cameras in city hall to expose his dirty dealings let alone turn over 62 emails he sent Haggerty which The New York Post has been asking to read...
Mike has said no.
We won't be seeing an undercover video or news programs on a drug mix of heroin and tylenol sold on the street for 2 dollars directed at teens with shuch names as "Lady Gaga" and Mickey Mouse as exposed by Simone Weichselbaum for The New York Daily News.
One thing Mike Bloomberg, Steve Rattner his shady money manger with close friendships to the owners of The NY Times and The NY Daily News (also I have been told he money manages for them as well) and Christine Quinn are some how so lucky because the press never seems to hold them accountable and ask them tough questions and in fact blocks out a lot of news by simply not reporting the news.
Mike wants to tell people what to eat, what to do and how to think and that is simple "Think Bloomberg".
Bloomberg, Quinn and City Council members with the exception of a handful need major scrutiny.
I hate cigarettes and the smoke 2nd hand burns my throat but the sin tax is too high and why is heroin easier to buy and sell on the streets of NY than cigarettes and now it is 2 dollars for kids?
Why doesn't Mike send his special video team in to expose these dealings and flush them out?
Why won't Mike hand over his 62 emails to Haggerty. He won't allow videos of what goes on in NYC gov for us to see unless it is "air brushed and edited".
NYC gov is corrupt, it stinks and ditto for Albany and as long as people don't know what is going on it will continue on....
From heroin being sold to kids to corrupt politics at city hall -- enough is enough. It has got to stop.