It is startling and shocking allegations -- I don't have the energy to explore the alleged writings of Redlich but Roger Stone is getting more media coverage than the candidates this weekend.
Is that like one degree of separation.....?
Like Cy Vance's campaign guy married to Maura Keaney, Keaney worked with Haggerty, Keaney and Christine Quinn get written up by Jim Dwyer in The NY Times for intimidating union members and possibly crossing the line....that is polite for crossing lines that if there was someone actually policing corrupt politicos -- they would be in deep trouble, and Keaney and Haggerty were working for Mike Bloomberg who gave his campaign people lots of money and we the people of NY have no idea where all of it went and Mike doesn't seem to care perhaps because he had an unspoken an agreement do what you want with my money just win me an election.
Anyway, I get this anonymous info that Cy Vance is allegedly guilty of campaign improprieties and it involves paying back Mark Guma who is married to Maura Keaney who worked for Mike Bloomberg and with Haggerty and was exposed with Quinn for being well "bad"....
1 degree of separation and now Cy Vance is looking extra bad not only because he won't prosecute Mike Bloomberg for breaking campaign laws but also because Cy Vance just used the District Attorney's office to help Andrew Cuomo's election allegedly releasing information that legally he or someone in his office was not allowed to release.
What all this dirty dealing is going on the people of NY are being screwed big and bad....the economy is going from recession to depression unless you are Mike Bloomberg's rich friends. The quality of life is going down as the taxes go up....the streets were better in colonial times. The subway looks like planet of the apes, over crowded, runs awfully and they are raising the prices? Mike wants to make harmful cuts to the NYPD and FDNY but never to his over priced campaign staff...while we are making cuts why not cut Scott Stringer or at least make him take public transportation. Is there any way we can prevent him from running for mayor. Why do we have to match campaign money for a guy that can't win? What a huge waste of tax payer money but that's Scott Stringer for you.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Mayor Bloomberg always cuts the NYPD, he and deputy Goldsmith (republican) alleged to want to cut NYPD sergeants
If that is true that is twisted and would not be allowed at Bloomberg New just like lowering the NYPD's starting salary would never have been allowed. Remember the NYPD starting salary lowered but city council voted themselves a raise. I emailed suggestions to save the city money and prevent cuts like this. First, Mike Bloomberg must start with his own dept. and cut all his campaign staff. He must be forced to reimburse the people of NY 2 million dollars we are paying for his campaign staff. All city workers must use public transportation except the police commissioner. Scott Stringer needs to take the subway. No slush money. City Council has to pay for their own defense attorneys which would perhaps discourage them from robbing tax payers. City Council must unvote themselves a raise.
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Read more:
Cy Vance does not have the "gumption" to apply the law a king! Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws which carries jail time by Suzannah B. Troy
Oh my, Wolfson, the man we pay a 6 figure salary for talks. I thought after he made some contradictory comments on Haggerty & Mike -- the money he would be consulting defense attorneys as well and since Mike put campaign staff on the payroll we have to pay for his defense attorneys as well. Mike funneled money to Haggerty the previous election as well thru the Rep. party. Cy Vance knows this because I reported Mike to Vance's Public Integrity Hotline and directed him to Ari Ronston's article in NYObserver. I have YouTubes I made on this and blog postings. Ronston says Vance just doesn't have the gumption to do so. Based on Vance releasing the info he did on Haggerty Friday when the gov. election is so close and the media picks it up and erases Mike Bloomberg it seems the powers that be are erasing Mike's role. Haggerty is innocent. He is at least as innocent as Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg broke the law by not declaring the 1.1 mill he wired the day before the election but clearly he like so many other corrupt politicians are above the law. I just hope Mike is not billing the tax payers for his lawyers. We should not be paying 2 mill for his campaign staff as he threatens to close fire houses.
Oh my, Wolfson, the man we pay a 6 figure salary for talks. I thought after he made some contradictory comments on Haggerty & Mike -- the money he would be consulting defense attorneys as well and since Mike put campaign staff on the payroll we have to pay for his defense attorneys as well. Mike funneled money to Haggerty the previous election as well thru the Rep. party. Cy Vance knows this because I reported Mike to Vance's Public Integrity Hotline and directed him to Ari Ronston's article in NYObserver. I have YouTubes I made on this and blog postings. Ronston says Vance just doesn't have the gumption to do so. Based on Vance releasing the info he did on Haggerty Friday when the gov. election is so close and the media picks it up and erases Mike Bloomberg it seems the powers that be are erasing Mike's role. Haggerty is innocent. He is at least as innocent as Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg broke the law by not declaring the 1.1 mill he wired the day before the election but clearly he like so many other corrupt politicians are above the law. I just hope Mike is not billing the tax payers for his lawyers. We should not be paying 2 mill for his campaign staff as he threatens to close fire houses.
Click on the link above and read the links that are in the YouTube.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mike Bloomberg is erased from his dirty deeds by Cuomo and media and Carl Palladino is blamed for Haggerty. Haggerty is innocent, at least as innocent as Mike Bloomberg yet Mike is erased and made Saint, so wrong. Cuomo should be attacking Bloomberg Bloomberg did not declare the 1.1 million he wired into Independence Party and funneled to Haggerty. Bloomberg wired money to Republican party previous election to funnel to Haggerty. Bloomberg innocent? Laughable! Blaming Palladino is truly insane of Duffy
Interesting attack everyone but Mike Bloomberg the man I believe is as innocent as Haggerty! My guess is they had an agreement and Haggerty had freedom to do as he will since Mike funneled money to him the previous election via the Republican Party. Mike did not declare the money he wired to the Independence Party to funnel to Haggerty and that is breaking the law as in a Misdemeanor A which carries jail time but Mike is so powerful you the media have erased him and replace him with Paladino which is almost as frightening as Mike being above the law and acting like mafia with the press doing his dirty work as well as the law turning a blind eye. Why doesn't Cy Vance make Mike Bloomberg turn over his 62 emails to Haggerty he refused to turn over to The NY Post and why isn't Haggerty demanding the emails? Because Haggerty has agreed to fall on his sword for Mike?
I was voting for Cuomo but if he keeps this up I can't go Tuesday and Vote for Andrew Cuomo....
Bloomberg has committed a Misdemeanor A according to the pieces I have read - one by Ari Ronston and one by Wayne Barrett if no one has the guts and integrity to hold Bloomberg accountable how pathetic but to have the media and Cuomo's team erase Mike Bloomberg and attack Palladino is beginning to alienate me and I am having doubts about voting for Cuomo.
Suzannah B. Troy changes king Mike's name to Saint Mike
Time to create yet another blog dedicated to Mike Bloomberg!!!!!!! The Saint Mike Bloomberg Blog!
Mike Bloomberg and his best friend Steve Rattner have no respect for limits of any kind including term limits. Mike and Steve don't care about how you win -- just about winning. Bloomberg did not care how Haggerty or any of his campaign staff spent his money, Bloomberg just wanted to win. Bloomberg is guilty of breaking campaign laws because he did not declare the 1.1 million that he wired to the Independent Party that was funneled to Haggerty. According to Ari Ronston's article Inside the Secret Campaign, Bloomberg did the same thing the previous election but it was the Republican Party that directed the money to Haggerty. Perhaps Bloomberg gave Haggerty an offer he couldn't refuse because Mike's House is a House of cards and it is a tumbling down....Mike is just to rich and powerful to be held accountable.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Mike Bloomberg, Haggerty falls on sword! Why? Cuomo-Palladino election to close to call so NYDNY release 4:30 to slim Paladino by Suzannah B. Troy
John Haggerty fell on the sword and the NY Daily News breaks the news but minus Mike in the title but slimes Carl Paladino. Why? People are worried low voter turn out and an election to close to call.
Posting the YouTube in a few minutes.
In my opinion this is a big lie and Haggerty is falling on a sword and why? Ari Ronston, Inside Mike Bloomberg's secret campaign reports Mike did same thing previous election in which money funneled to Haggerty was thru Republican Party. Mike did not declare money he wired to I party= Misdemeanor A carries jail time unless u r king Mike
Read more:
NY Post and NY Daily News reporting what I believe is a big lie and a big cover up above. To read why I say this see below!!!!!!
I called Cy Vance's hot line -- the Public Integrity Hotline and of course it was a big waste of time.
The NY Daily News was done tonight as an attempt to slime Carl Paladino and the NYDN was confident the corruption would in no way splash splash on to Mike Bloomberg and it does directly. Teflon Mike is a very, very lucky man....he buy$ his luck.
Read more:
NY Post and NY Daily News reporting what I believe is a big lie and a big cover up above. To read why I say this see below!!!!!!
Mike Bloomberg Broke Election Law, Admit His Own Lawyers
I called Cy Vance's hot line -- the Public Integrity Hotline and of course it was a big waste of time.
The NY Daily News was done tonight as an attempt to slime Carl Paladino and the NYDN was confident the corruption would in no way splash splash on to Mike Bloomberg and it does directly. Teflon Mike is a very, very lucky man....he buy$ his luck.
Mike Bloomberg, Haggerty falls on sword! Why? Cuomo-Palladino election to close to call so NYDNY release 4:30 to slim Paladino by Suzannah B. Troy
John Haggerty fell on the sword and the NY Daily News breaks the news but minus Mike in the title but slimes Carl Paladino. Why? People are worried low voter turn out and an election to close to call.
Posting the YouTube in a few minutes.
In my opinion this is a big lie and Haggerty is falling on a sword and why? Ari Ronston, Inside Mike Bloomberg's secret campaign reports Mike did same thing previous election in which money funneled to Haggerty was thru Republican Party. Mike did not declare money he wired to I party= Misdemeanor A carries jail time unless u r king Mike
Read more:
NY Post and NY Daily News reporting what I believe is a big lie and a big cover up above. To read why I say this see below!!!!!!
I called Cy Vance's hot line -- the Public Integrity Hotline and of course it was a big waste of time.
The NY Daily News was done tonight as an attempt to slime Carl Paladino and the NYDN was confident the corruption would in no way splash splash on to Mike Bloomberg and it does directly. Teflon Mike is a very, very lucky man....he buy$ his luck.
Read more:
NY Post and NY Daily News reporting what I believe is a big lie and a big cover up above. To read why I say this see below!!!!!!
Mike Bloomberg Broke Election Law, Admit His Own Lawyers
I called Cy Vance's hot line -- the Public Integrity Hotline and of course it was a big waste of time.
The NY Daily News was done tonight as an attempt to slime Carl Paladino and the NYDN was confident the corruption would in no way splash splash on to Mike Bloomberg and it does directly. Teflon Mike is a very, very lucky man....he buy$ his luck.
Mike Bloomberg's campaign guy falls on the sword to cover-up for Mike Bloomberg and his associates other wise could mean jail for Mike Bloomberg, it still could if Cy Vance did his job or the Justice Dept. took over by Suzannah B. Troy
In my opinion this is a big lie and Haggerty is falling on a sword and why? Ari Ronston, Inside Mike Bloomberg's secret campaign reports Mike did same thing previous election in which money funneled to Haggerty was thru Republican Party. Mike did not declare money he wired to I party= Misdemeanor A carries jail time unless u r king Mike
Read more:
Read more:
NY Post and NY Daily News reporting what I believe is a big lie and a big cover up above. To read why I say this see below!!!!!!
Mike Bloomberg Broke Election Law, Admit His Own Lawyers
I called Cy Vance's hot line -- the Public Integrity Hotline and of course it was a big waste of time.
The NY Daily News was done tonight as an attempt to slime Carl Paladino and the NYDN was confident the corruption would in no way splash splash on to Mike Bloomberg and it does directly. Teflon Mike is a very, very lucky man....he buy$ his luck.
Term Limits, Vote YES -- Question 1 I posted Elizabeth Forel, animal rights activists but it applies to all us with how we have been lied to and how our communities have been crushed by NYU, Columbia University, Cooper Union and all greedy reckless developers that doesn't use higher ed as a tax shelter and supersized & crushed our neighborhoods = displacement, mass amount of infrastructure breaks
This is not directly animal related -- but has a definite connection. Because of the heavy handed extension of term limits in 2008, we were stuck with Christine Quinn and Bloomberg for another 4 years (from 2009), which meant no animal legislation would pass.
Please go to the polls on Tuesday, November 2nd and Vote yes on Question 1
If you are disgusted with politics and thought about sitting it out on Tuesday -- THINK AGAIN.
Your vote is crucial to once again return the City Charter to a two term limit for elected officials.
Vote YES on Question 1 in the Charter.
NYC voters adopted a limit of two terms for elected city officials in 1993. In 1996, voters rejected a ballot proposal to extend the limit to three terms. What about that did the City Council and Mayor Bloomberg not understand.? Yet, in 2008, under Bloomberg and Christine Quinn's heavy, heavy hand, the City Council (which always votes according the the speaker) changed the term limits law from two to three consecutive terms. This was a disgrace and its far reaching effects of betraying the trust of the people are still not known.
Voting YES will bring back the two term limit. It also will PROHIBIT the City Council from altering their own term limits and those of current elected officials. AT LAST - how good is that!!!!!
Voting no will keep the status quo.
So please go to the polls on Tuesday - they are open until 9. Let's take democracy back to the people.
Check out the voting guide you received in the mail recently. Make sure you understand how to mark the ballot because the instructions are apparently incorrect. It is really very easy -- I did it in September at the primary.
Elizabeth Forel
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
Horses Without Carriages International
This is not directly animal related -- but has a definite connection. Because of the heavy handed extension of term limits in 2008, we were stuck with Christine Quinn and Bloomberg for another 4 years (from 2009), which meant no animal legislation would pass.
Please go to the polls on Tuesday, November 2nd and Vote yes on Question 1
If you are disgusted with politics and thought about sitting it out on Tuesday -- THINK AGAIN.
Your vote is crucial to once again return the City Charter to a two term limit for elected officials.
Vote YES on Question 1 in the Charter.
NYC voters adopted a limit of two terms for elected city officials in 1993. In 1996, voters rejected a ballot proposal to extend the limit to three terms. What about that did the City Council and Mayor Bloomberg not understand.? Yet, in 2008, under Bloomberg and Christine Quinn's heavy, heavy hand, the City Council (which always votes according the the speaker) changed the term limits law from two to three consecutive terms. This was a disgrace and its far reaching effects of betraying the trust of the people are still not known.
Voting YES will bring back the two term limit. It also will PROHIBIT the City Council from altering their own term limits and those of current elected officials. AT LAST - how good is that!!!!!
Voting no will keep the status quo.
So please go to the polls on Tuesday - they are open until 9. Let's take democracy back to the people.
Check out the voting guide you received in the mail recently. Make sure you understand how to mark the ballot because the instructions are apparently incorrect. It is really very easy -- I did it in September at the primary.
Elizabeth Forel
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
Horses Without Carriages International
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wow Guess what? After Mike Bloomberg & socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda Burden let NYU mega dorm the E. Village to death + sky piercing by Suzannah B. Troy
Wow, we finally got zoning protection. Under the Bloomberg reign of greed and stupidity that has so greatly hurt this great city, mass displacement and driven out a record amount of New Yorkers, finally now after the destruction of the East Village we finally got some zoning protection!
I went to bed in the East Village and woke-up in a bad xerox of mid-town turning into a bad xerox of Dubai. Very guilty people think this is going to some how make up for what they have done but it won't.
Just like some very wrong people have done some very bad things to me -- it will come back to them....patience is required and in every culture around the word there is a shared belief that what goes around comes around. People get their's even if it is late in the 9th inning of their lives just desserts will be served.
In the poem I wrote when St. Ann's from 1847 was still standing I tell you about a telephone conversation I had with Amanda the people's Burden. My brief conversation with her underscored my belief of what a ruthless awful creature she is. The wicked witch of The East Village and like Bloomberg she kids herself we believe the phone double talk.
St. Ann's from 1847 survived everything all these years but NYU's need and greed to build yet another mega dorm in their quest to mega dorm the East Village to death. NYU could not get the job down without the help of the USPS which loses a record amount of money, multi-billion dollars A YEAR!!!!
My maternal grandfather was a mail man in the Bronx but what the USPS has evolved in to is a corrupt organization that abuses their Federal Status and they broke the law when they sold the air space to NYU and did not notify the State of New York as legally required. Andrew Cuomo is not going to sue the USPS over the air space siree. I had a very interesting talk with the head of Environmental Crimes about the illegal sale and had and Andrew Berman talk. The USPS is a multi-billion dollar loser a year and they want to kid themselves it is because of email but their customer service makes the Mafia look warm and friendly and they break every law possible blocking fire hydrants and selling air space without notifying the State of NY so the State can examine is this in the best interest but now after the fact, now that Bloomberg and the people's Burden destroyed the neighborhood and neighborhoods through New York they continue to lie and try and kid us they are our heroes. They will go down in history as destroyers of this great city and Bloomberg flushed democracy down the toilet with the help of Christine Quinn who is in bed with developers because she has sold her soul along with the rest of them....welcome to the greed generation.
It will take many, many years for the city to begin to repair the damage.
Have you ever seen the streets in such bad shape? They were better in Colonial Times. What about the record breaking number of infrastructure related problems like man hole covers, gas leaks, sewage break, steam pipe explosions, sink holes galoe, water main breaks.....why?
Because Mike Bloomberg and his socialite city planner Amanda the people's Burden pushed a reckless tsunami of development on "old" New York's infrastructure.
Glad we got it but I am not celebrating unless you it is in thinking of people getting their just desserts. I wish I could take the high road but right now I can't....
Join Us For Celebrations Tonight
Dear friend,
THE CITY COUNCIL HAS JUST VOTED TO APPROVE THE FAR WEST VILLAGE AND EAST VILLAGE (3rd and 4th Avenue Corridors) REZONINGS WE HAVE BEEN FIGHTING TO ENACT FOR YEARS, WHICH MEANS THEY TAKE IMMEDIATE EFFECT! These two rezonings will go a long way towards stemming the tide of inappropriate development in these two historic residential neighborhoods, and are a tremendous victory for community efforts in the face of stiff initial resistance from the city! Read the coverage in today’s CRAINS NY BUSINESSHERE.
made this youtube abut my poem and read it to you.
Now onto happy thoughts.
I went to bed in the East Village and woke-up in a bad xerox of mid-town turning into a bad xerox of Dubai. Very guilty people think this is going to some how make up for what they have done but it won't.
Just like some very wrong people have done some very bad things to me -- it will come back to them....patience is required and in every culture around the word there is a shared belief that what goes around comes around. People get their's even if it is late in the 9th inning of their lives just desserts will be served.
In the poem I wrote when St. Ann's from 1847 was still standing I tell you about a telephone conversation I had with Amanda the people's Burden. My brief conversation with her underscored my belief of what a ruthless awful creature she is. The wicked witch of The East Village and like Bloomberg she kids herself we believe the phone double talk.
St. Ann's from 1847 survived everything all these years but NYU's need and greed to build yet another mega dorm in their quest to mega dorm the East Village to death. NYU could not get the job down without the help of the USPS which loses a record amount of money, multi-billion dollars A YEAR!!!!
My maternal grandfather was a mail man in the Bronx but what the USPS has evolved in to is a corrupt organization that abuses their Federal Status and they broke the law when they sold the air space to NYU and did not notify the State of New York as legally required. Andrew Cuomo is not going to sue the USPS over the air space siree. I had a very interesting talk with the head of Environmental Crimes about the illegal sale and had and Andrew Berman talk. The USPS is a multi-billion dollar loser a year and they want to kid themselves it is because of email but their customer service makes the Mafia look warm and friendly and they break every law possible blocking fire hydrants and selling air space without notifying the State of NY so the State can examine is this in the best interest but now after the fact, now that Bloomberg and the people's Burden destroyed the neighborhood and neighborhoods through New York they continue to lie and try and kid us they are our heroes. They will go down in history as destroyers of this great city and Bloomberg flushed democracy down the toilet with the help of Christine Quinn who is in bed with developers because she has sold her soul along with the rest of them....welcome to the greed generation.
It will take many, many years for the city to begin to repair the damage.
Have you ever seen the streets in such bad shape? They were better in Colonial Times. What about the record breaking number of infrastructure related problems like man hole covers, gas leaks, sewage break, steam pipe explosions, sink holes galoe, water main breaks.....why?
Because Mike Bloomberg and his socialite city planner Amanda the people's Burden pushed a reckless tsunami of development on "old" New York's infrastructure.
Glad we got it but I am not celebrating unless you it is in thinking of people getting their just desserts. I wish I could take the high road but right now I can't....
Join Us For Celebrations Tonight
Dear friend,
THE CITY COUNCIL HAS JUST VOTED TO APPROVE THE FAR WEST VILLAGE AND EAST VILLAGE (3rd and 4th Avenue Corridors) REZONINGS WE HAVE BEEN FIGHTING TO ENACT FOR YEARS, WHICH MEANS THEY TAKE IMMEDIATE EFFECT! These two rezonings will go a long way towards stemming the tide of inappropriate development in these two historic residential neighborhoods, and are a tremendous victory for community efforts in the face of stiff initial resistance from the city! Read the coverage in today’s CRAINS NY BUSINESSHERE.
made this youtube abut my poem and read it to you.
Now onto happy thoughts.
King Mike on guns, on term limits, the economy, lies...? Breaking campaign laws is a Misdemeanor A and carries jail time, Mike Bloomberg's smoking gun by Suzannah B. Troy
10/27/2010 8:43 AM
You just do not know what to believe when the little emperor of NYC speaks. I just made a YouTube yesterday Mike Bloomberg Steve Rattner liars. Mike said we needed him for a 3rd term to help the economy. The economy in NYC is actually worse except for Mike's friend in the real estate and financial sector. Rattner pleaded the 5th more times than Mike Bloomberg has been mayor. According to 2 articles one by Ari Ronston and one by Wayne Barrett, Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and that is a Misdemeanor A which carries jail time...a smoking gun, yes?
Read more:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Vote for Term Limits
I will bring you more information very soon.
We have to turn out and vote for term limits. Those that got in during the Bloomberg Quinn corrupt third term dealings will be grandfathered in...
but we still have to try -- I heard due to people expressing outrage they have made some changes but it is still watered down....
stay tuned....
Mike Bloomberg and gangs dirty dealings to prevent voters for voting for term limits right now!!!!!!
Mike Bloomberg, the little emperor of NYC flouted the democratic process denying the people of NY a referendum and why? He said we, the people of NY needed him for a third term because of the economy. For the majority of New Yorkers not of "Mike Bloomberg's ruling class" the economy is worse.
The king of New York, Mike Bloomberg appointed a charter commission that could not come up with a simple yes or no question for voters to have term limits apply and now and instead we have a Catch 22. Why do I say that?
Catch 22 because if you vote "no" term limits are dead. If you vote yes, term limits doesn't kick in until 2021 which makes a Catch 484. (22x22=484 , 22 squared)
The king of New York, Mike Bloomberg appointed a charter commission that could not come up with a simple yes or no question for voters to have term limits apply and now and instead we have a Catch 22. Why do I say that?
Catch 22 because if you vote "no" term limits are dead. If you vote yes, term limits doesn't kick in until 2021 which makes a Catch 484. (22x22=484 , 22 squared)
and my newest YouTube calling Mike Bloomberg and Steve Rattner liars and by the way Rattner urged Mike to run for a third $ term...but guys have no respect for limits.
Mike Bloomberg Term Limits He lies like a rug...look at the economy it is even worse now except for his exploitive greedy pals who profited greatly
It is Good to Be the King: Bloomberg: 3 for Me 2 for You
It is Good to Be the King
Bloomberg: 3 for Me 2 for You
Bloomberg, Term Limits and the Press
Mayor Has Secret Meetings with Media Moguls on 3rd Term - Gothamist
Mr. Bloomberg’s Third Term(NYT Editorial)
The law is particularly unappealing now because it is structured in a way that would deny New Yorkers — at a time when the city’s economy is under great stress
New York City lost 17,000 private-sector jobs in September
Bloomberg: 3 for Me 2 for You
Bloomberg, Term Limits and the Press
Mayor Has Secret Meetings with Media Moguls on 3rd Term - Gothamist
Mr. Bloomberg’s Third Term(NYT Editorial)
The law is particularly unappealing now because it is structured in a way that would deny New Yorkers — at a time when the city’s economy is under great stress
New York City lost 17,000 private-sector jobs in September
Monday, October 25, 2010
Mayor Bloomberg lies like a rug! Term sick of his lies...
I wish lying carried prison time. Mike Bloomberg with the help of fellow corrupt politician Christine Quinn pushed through a third term and did so with slush money (aka abusing tax payers money) and intimidation. Mike Bloomberg lied and said we need him to help us through tough economic times but the truth was NYU wanted him in to push through a change in zoning from residential to commercial so NYU could have a massive NYU Hotel and make the areas from LaGuardia to Bleecker to Mercer in to a massive new hideous sky piercing development so the Village will continue to resemble mid-town and a bad xerox of Dubai. Bloomberg is even helping NYU to kick the statue of Mayor LaGuardia, a real mayor that cared about people and read stories and cartoons to kids on the radio instead of business man selling out NYC to greedy ruthless developers and financial creeps like his money manager Steve Rattner! Bloomberg created "the greed generation" and his appointed charter commission has again prevented us from voting to have term limits with a craftily worded ballot with "yes" or "no" answers. I called Board of Elections today and asked can I write in "I want term limits" and they said no. Thanks corrupt Mike Bloomberg for wasting for newspaper space with your lies.
Heard on the Street: NYPD and Sanitation Cops giving summons with NO warning for ATM machines outside stores, Mayor Bloomberg must really be strapped for money from all the corruption & we have to pay 2 million $ for his campaign staff
NYPD SANICOPS giving summons (WITH NO WARNING) for ATM machines OUTSIDE a store.
Every middle class and poor person please be careful because Mike Bloomberg is continuing his reign of terror with insane and unfair ticketing and no warnings either.
Next maybe jay walking ...?
It is so disturbing how the poorest and most vulnerable are being target. I know one small business surviving by credit cards and donations from community sad is all this...economic racism and under Mike Bloomberg a record number of small businesses have closed, record number people have been displaced and or moved, left NYC....
Welcome to Bloomberg's New York....
NY Bloody weekend of murder, guns, no guns required but the rich ruling class has the NYPD sweeping vendors off the street & NYC has heroin epidemic even dealers selling heroin to kids for $2 welcome to Mike Bloomberg's NYC.
Fragile NY, no guns required to murder someone.
Soho's rich ruling class above the law dictates NYPD's man power be directed as sweeping vendors off the street. It must be nice to be above the law and dictate to the law.
Too bad so many people are being murdered and heroin is being sold on the streets to kids for 2 dollars.
Fragile NY, no guns required to murder someone.
Soho's rich ruling class above the law dictates NYPD's man power be directed as sweeping vendors off the street. It must be nice to be above the law and dictate to the law.
Too bad so many people are being murdered and heroin is being sold on the streets to kids for 2 dollars.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Corrupt Mike Bloomberg pushes thru a 3rd term yet again cleverly by passing the people of NY so corrupt
10/24/2010 12:52 PM
Mike Bloomberg stole a third term with the help of Christine Quinn his mini-me and partner in corruption and now for a 2nd year in a row he is doing the same thing with a corrupt charter he appointed and the goal to push thru a third term for all -- why -- he wants to be President. He know he can't win but he won't let go of the hope. Watch this YouTube I made" Mayor Bloomberg Suzannah B. Troy getting naked to protest democracy compromised again 2010!" The sexistpig editors of the NYPost will love it. Even though I am 48 the camera angles are on my side.
Read more:
Joyce Purnick wrote a below par book on Mike Bloomberg so her friends at the NYTimes and NY Daily News consider her an expert
Purnick's book was a phony piece of $#% and one example is how she white washed Steve Rattner stepping down from The W House to spend more time with family! Yeah, right. She does point out Rattner urged mike to run for a 3rd term. In her corrupt world that is a good thing. Ask who are Purnick's friends at the nytimes and Nydn? They are why she gets $ and to waste our time!!!
FYI on Bloomberg running for President....if there is any way that Mike can run and not completely humiliate himself again like he did stealing a third term and breaking campaign laws to boot which carries jail time for real citizens not above the law than Mike will run. Mike Bloomberg is forcing New Yorkers to pay an estimated 2 million dollars to give his campaign staff 6 figure salaries and The NY Post reports his Deputy mayor Harris is chauffeured up to his mansion courtesy of the tax payers on nyc gov time to work on his charity so she and he are stealing that way as well.
People ask me why Mike Bloomberg was trying to shove SAIC down our throat trying to force a 165 million dollar hand over to SAIC when they haven't been delivering and no time clock for their consultants being paid top dollar...huge bucks..... Thanks to John Liu, unions, Juan Gonzalez's awarding winning reporting, Ali Winston of CityTime and I include my work blogging and my channel BloombergNoCityTime Bloomberg did not get to push through this tax payer's Titanic.
I tell people my guess is Bloomberg was trying to push SAIC because they are a Federal player and that is what Bloomberg wants to be because he wants to be President so the hand washing using tax payer money, abusing actually and using his "charity foundation" has been his game plan.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Mike Bloomberg's money manger Steve Rattner exposed as the criminal he is in Carl Paladino ad
I am not voting for Palidino and most likely will vote for Cuomo but it is true Cuomo let criminals like Rattner walk....
Friday, October 22, 2010
Another pal of Mike's pleading the 5th, Sheinkopf in Aqueduct scandal just like Steve Rattner Mike's money manger to the SEC re: pay play pension fund scandals here in NY
Steve Rattner, Mike Bloomberg's money manager pleaded the 5th to the S.E.C regarding his role in the NY Pension fund scandals more times than Mike Bloomberg has been mayor.
Now in the news breaking story -- read The NY Post's article
"Albany's load of horse#*// about the massive dirty scandal re: Aqueduct Bidding under Fire.
I am told by a source that Hank Sheinkopf worked for king Mike Bloomberg on his campaign -- remember the 3rd term campaign where Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn refused to respect limits....actually Steve Rattner urged Mike Bloomberg to run for a third term because he doesn't respect limits of any kind and for folks that don't know check my blog postings in NYU the Destroyer where I tell you about John Sexton of NYU running down to testify that Mike Bloomberg must have a third term and I am one of many that believe Sexton and Bloomberg has a back room deal -- you scratch my back I will scratch your back deal because John Sexton and NYU refuse to respect limits and Mike and his minion including Amanda the people's Burden, sociailite city planner are trying to push through commericial zoning that would put a mamouth mega sized NYU Hotel and a mega sized zipper building as well making Bleecker La Guardia and Mercer Time Square with mass congestion greatly harming the neighorhood, the community and the environment.
Bloomberg, Burden, Sexton plan to even kick the Mayor LaGuardia sculputure to the curb for retail stores which will require trees to be ripped out...I was told as many as 166 trees may be ripped out for development.
From Steve Rattner who had to step down from his job at The White House because of the NY Pension Fund Scandals to Albany to City Hall New York has never seen such corruption, greedy, destructive real estate deals and it is all about people not respecting limits -- it is about the greed generation.
I have to rush and I don't have time to post links.
Here is one that mentions Blomberg campaign spending and Sheinkopf
Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn reported to Public Integrity Hotline by Suzannah B. Troy
My new YouTube and I cover the topics below
Yetta Kurland's very powerful speech. I call and report Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn to Cy Vance's public Integrity hotline and back it up with articles from The NY observer, The Village Voice and the NY Post.
I also email NYC gov with suggestions to save the city money including firing Mike Bloomberg's campaign staff and making Mike reimburse people.
I talk about a pal who is only voting for Dead PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
It is a very powerful speech, and you have to listen to what somebody in the crowd said at 2:20 -- ‘’Too bad she didn’t win over Christine Quinn.’’
We need a hospital Mayor Bloobmerg WE NEED A HOSPITAL!!!!!!!
It is a very powerful speech, and you have to listen to what somebody in the crowd said at 2:20 -- ‘’Too bad she didn’t win over Christine Quinn.’’
I want Yetta Kurland to represent the Chelsea district not Christine Quinn and you can see why.
And my YouTube....
Dear Neighbor,
Here is a short video that Coalition member Andy Robson put together for us reminding people to get out tomorrow night to speak on our need for our elected officials to sign on to the Community Board 2 Resolution to lock the land and ensure that the site at St. Vincent’s is used only for a hospital and to also ask that the St. Vincent’s Omnibus Committee meet as it has been now several months without a meeting.
The Community Board Meeting starts at 6pm sharp this Thursday (tomorrow). Please get there early because if you do not submit your form before 6:30pm you will not be allowed to speak.
When: 6pm Thursday October 21st
Where: PS 130 at 143 Baxter St. (at Grand)
What: Community Board 2 Full Board Meeting

Dear Neighbor,
Here is a short video that Coalition member Andy Robson put together for us reminding people to get out tomorrow night to speak on our need for our elected officials to sign on to the Community Board 2 Resolution to lock the land and ensure that the site at St. Vincent’s is used only for a hospital and to also ask that the St. Vincent’s Omnibus Committee meet as it has been now several months without a meeting.
The Community Board Meeting starts at 6pm sharp this Thursday (tomorrow). Please get there early because if you do not submit your form before 6:30pm you will not be allowed to speak.
When: 6pm Thursday October 21st
Where: PS 130 at 143 Baxter St. (at Grand)
What: Community Board 2 Full Board Meeting

Thursday, October 21, 2010
NYC Gov is asking for suggestions to save the city of NY money -- here is the link and this is what I wrote....
Deputy Goldsmith: 1) Mike Bloomberg must fire his campaign staff all with 6 figure salaries which the NY Post estimates is costing us 2 million dollars so Mike Bloomberg must re-imburse the City for their salaries & expenses. 2) All NYC gov staff except the Police Commish should take public transportation especially Scott Stringer. 3) Deputy mayor Harris must be forced to re-imburse the city of NY for car service and salary for all the time she spent at Mike's house for charity on the city's dime.
4) All NYC gov staff should have to pay for their defense attorneys which are costing tax payers a fortune.
5)The NYPD has to have full time lawyers on duty to advise the police officers so smarten up so they don't keep violating people's rights also costing a fortune.
6)The City of NY has to collect ECB and DOB fines instead of dismissing very rich developers who make large donations to politicos perhaps?
7) No more slush money for city council
A) Also I left a message on Deputy Goldsmith's answering machine asking him if he supports gay marriage. I asked for a straight forward answer and I got no answer.
B) I do not believe Goldsmith will get to the root of the problem which would save the city a fortune and that requires rooting out the corruption.
This gets posted on my blogs including
and will be discussed on YouTube.
Deputy Goldsmith: 1) Mike Bloomberg must fire his campaign staff all with 6 figure salaries which the NY Post estimates is costing us 2 million dollars so Mike Bloomberg must re-imburse the City for their salaries & expenses. 2) All NYC gov staff except the Police Commish should take public transportation especially Scott Stringer. 3) Deputy mayor Harris must be forced to re-imburse the city of NY for car service and salary for all the time she spent at Mike's house for charity on the city's dime.
4) All NYC gov staff should have to pay for their defense attorneys which are costing tax payers a fortune.
5)The NYPD has to have full time lawyers on duty to advise the police officers so smarten up so they don't keep violating people's rights also costing a fortune.
6)The City of NY has to collect ECB and DOB fines instead of dismissing very rich developers who make large donations to politicos perhaps?
7) No more slush money for city council
A) Also I left a message on Deputy Goldsmith's answering machine asking him if he supports gay marriage. I asked for a straight forward answer and I got no answer.
B) I do not believe Goldsmith will get to the root of the problem which would save the city a fortune and that requires rooting out the corruption.
This gets posted on my blogs including
and will be discussed on YouTube.
NYC Gov is asking for suggestions to save the city of NY money -- here is the link and this is what I wrote....
Deputy Goldsmith: 1) Mike Bloomberg must fire his campaign staff all with 6 figure salaries which the NY Post estimates is costing us 2 million dollars so Mike Bloomberg must re-imburse the City for their salaries & expenses. 2) All NYC gov staff except the Police Commish should take public transportation especially Scott Stringer. 3) Deputy mayor Harris must be forced to re-imburse the city of NY for car service and salary for all the time she spent at Mike's house for charity on the city's dime.
4) All NYC gov staff should have to pay for their defense attorneys which are costing tax payers a fortune.
5)The NYPD has to have full time lawyers on duty to advise the police officers so smarten up so they don't keep violating people's rights also costing a fortune.
6)The City of NY has to collect ECB and DOB fines instead of dismissing very rich developers who make large donations to politicos perhaps?
7) No more slush money for city council
A) Also I left a message on Deputy Goldsmith's answering machine asking him if he supports gay marriage. I asked for a straight forward answer and I got no answer.
B) I do not believe Goldsmith will get to the root of the problem which would save the city a fortune and that requires rooting out the corruption.
This gets posted on my blogs including
and will be discussed on YouTube.
4) All NYC gov staff should have to pay for their defense attorneys which are costing tax payers a fortune.
5)The NYPD has to have full time lawyers on duty to advise the police officers so smarten up so they don't keep violating people's rights also costing a fortune.
6)The City of NY has to collect ECB and DOB fines instead of dismissing very rich developers who make large donations to politicos perhaps?
7) No more slush money for city council
A) Also I left a message on Deputy Goldsmith's answering machine asking him if he supports gay marriage. I asked for a straight forward answer and I got no answer.
B) I do not believe Goldsmith will get to the root of the problem which would save the city a fortune and that requires rooting out the corruption.
This gets posted on my blogs including
and will be discussed on YouTube.
Did Andrew Cuomo ask S.E.C to delay ruling on Steve Rattner until after the election? The SEC finally to make a ruling or not?
Dear Loyal Blog followers:
Click Observer, Rome, oops I meant NYC is burning.....
and on this blog link read how Steve Rattner was uninvited to speak...
Suzannah B. Troy calls Manhattan DA's Public Integrity Hotline to report Mike Bloomberg's alleged campaign corruption
he Secret Campaign of Mike Bloomberg by Ari Ronston which says in so many words Cy Vance doesn't have the gumption to go after Mike Bloomberg.
Read the article by Ronston---MIND BLOWING and career ending if Mike was not a powerful connected billionaire with so much influence here in NY.
The Secret Campaign of Mike Bloomberg by Ari Ronston
Wayne Barrett
Mike Bloomberg Broke Election Law, Admit His Own Lawyers
Plus The NY Post article buried by The NYPost by David Seifman about Mike Bloomberg refusing to turn over 62 emails to John Haggerty...see link below.
Mike stonewalls on Haggerty
Last Updated: 3:40 AM, September 5, 2010
Posted: 3:40 AM, September 5, 2010
Comments: 4
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The telephone number Cy Vance has set up to report complaints about public corruption is 212-335-8987 as reported by The New York Times.
The young woman who answered the phone was excellent, professional and gets an A plus from me for being able to take down the information I gave her but I did point out Mike Bloomberg is the 2nd richest man in NY so there is little hope justice will prevail.
plus my YouTube Mike Bloomberg Misdemeanor A?
I also reported Christine Quinn:
This is just one in my series "Illusion of Democracy" showing how democracy process was compromised on behalf of Quinn at a debate last year between her and Yetta Kurland and Derr.
In my opinion NYU, The Villager who endorsed Christine Quinn come-off corrupt. NYU is a real estate magnate and can't find a space to accommodate all those that turned out? Watch the YouTube and over Norman Siegel's shoulder see so many people turned away yet all of Christine Quinn's supporters go in. A senior in a wheel chair was repeatedly turned away but Norman Siegel, I and other activists fought vigorously to gain him admission and finally he was allowed access. He had made an Olympic effort to get their and NYU and The Villager's cruel treatment was difficult for him. I interviewed him.
Oh, gee, I forgot to share this article with the Manhattan DA about Christine Quinn and Maura Keaney.....
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