When Christine Quinn ran for her seat she had to debate her opponents and for some reason NYU a mega real estate giant did not have room to accomodate seniors and so many People that stood patiently on line who happen to be her critics. Some how NYU and the Villager hosting the event got her supporters to the front of the line and in. NYU and The Villager turned away NY1 and City Hall News.
How Ironic what a cop loving heart I had until Det. John Vergona emotionally pistol whipped it out of me with his pals help and his supervisor's blessings.
Deputy Inspector Caroli, NYPD officer to the left was on hand and the NYPD were cool, it was just The Villager, NYU & Quinn violating peoples' rights
If you want to see the evil crap NYU and The Villager did to help Christine Quinn lock out the community one of her specialities go to YouTube and search NYU turns away handicap man in wheel chair or even NYU handicap man
Deputy Inspector Caroli, NYPD officer to the left was on hand and the NYPD were cool, it was just The Villager, NYU & Quinn violating peoples' rights
and the series making the NYPD look saintly and very good but exposing Quinn up to her undemocratic tactics like this...