Reminder Quinn invited Lopez and Paterson two misogynist womanizing losers who know how to milk the system to her wedding where judge Judy Kaye political fixer - fixed it Dave Paterson did not go to jail married her -- political wedding.
Does this mean Cuomo and Quinn won't be funneling any more cashola to Lopez?
Slippery QuinnDoes A Lopez Fake Public Realitions Dance
First Her Charter Commission moves Vito Lopez house into A District the designed for him. Now After She Got Caught, She Goes to His Opponents Fund Raiser.But what is not getting any press is she sill fundshis non profit withMember Items
Plan A
Plan B
City Council allocated $873,589 in member itmes to Vito Lopez to Vito Lopezcontolled non profitRidgewood Bushwick Senior Citizen Council