Cy Vance said hey let's roll NYPD rape cop Moreno's heroin in his locker 9th precinct in to the year he sold.
That sure sounds fishy to me. I called every agency possible I could think of to have Cy Vance investigated for his handling of the heroin NYPD rape cop moreno's locker. AG's office laughed me off the phone.
Question: If there were pay-offs, back room deals who would do anything about it?
My answer no one.
Remember Constantine's dirty deeds NYPD rape cop Pena juror Constantine now schilling his book when the little people would rather he be focusing on "disbar" --- his own!
From campaign donations to back room deals you scratch my back I help make sure you are above the law?
Hardee my post hey dummy when u bribe manhattan da don't use money...
Hey has Cy Vance's public integrity hotline produced one result other than employing someone to answer the telephone for Cy? I ask because I called the hotline to report guess who and guess who.