Vote most corrupt mother daughter team New York public office? Maria gave her husband big bucks for consulting...hardee har.... Mom and daughter have been accused of abusing tax payer money -- abuse or pick another word but like so many have so far avoided indictments.
"Her nephew, Richard Izquierdo Arroyo, and another official at an affiliated group, SBCC Management Corp., pleaded guilty "to embezzling more than $200,000 from the nonprofit and using it to fund a lavish lifestyle.
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The NYDN website such a disaster since post improvements don't have the energy to find an old editorial on the Arroyo family corruption all in the family.....
Just a reminder Christine Quinn big time slush abuser in my opinion using slush to push through an illegal third term and like a greedy bully using slush aka tax payer money to steal job as mayor....she needs the tax payers to pay her legal fees....disgusting...term limits, St. Vincent's scandal locking out her own community.