Did Mayor Bloomberg Send Himself Ricin?
Remember this.......Mike, the AC and the SUV????
had investigative journalists, Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg including his
mini-me Christine Quinn would have been forced to resign over
CityTime, ECTP 911 tech corruption etc.
The fact unions starting with UFA and NYPD want his head on a plate evoke suspicion if
Bloomberg didn't have a lackey send the ricin letters to
do some damage control and distract folks from the fact
Bloomberg should have resigned.
Bloomberg has multi-Watergates and even Teflon Mike
felt a ding when his private empire got caught
cyber stalking/hacking/spying on clients but just
like CityTime, 911 mega crime not a perp oops peep!!!
Mayor Bloomberg I will F#%&ing Destroy U Jan 1 + 911 Theft Sshh! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyhV8gkxCKA&sns=tw via @youtube
Mayor Bloomberg King of Tech Fraud Contracts 911 1 yr No Criminal Investigation! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq187ZVpaz0&sns=tw via @youtube