Greedo Gropez NY Post explain Christine Quinn and Andrew Cuomo funneling money to him and Charles Hynes praise Vito Lopez to the Heavens. Christine Quinn invited exploitiers of women Vito Lopez and Dave Paterson to her wedding.
Judge Judy Kaye who wedded Quinn also helped Cuomo in preventing Dave Paterson from going to jail and than Cuomo puts Paterson on the MTA board -- another job where Dave doesn't have to show up and gets it and a get out of jail card free because of Daddy's connections.
ps Can anyone explain how McCarren Park Swimming pool renovations costing 50 million dollars isn't money laundering?
Are you kidding me 40 million dollars -- is the pool gold plated -- even if it was 50 million dollars!
NYC in the top 3 for most corrupt states in the USA.
Vito Lopez could run Brooklyn from a jail.
ps It is said that Lopez has the goods on lots of people including Bloomberg -- corrupt real estate dealings Brooklyn -- can you say "blackmail".
Hey Sally did Steve Levin ever pay all those parking tickets he owed?
Ask him about the swimming pool and domino sugar factory deal that the nypost exposed Lopez and levin -- too much sugar in their coffee?