There is 365 days in a year, if anyone who reads a newspaper see there is a killing almost everyday sometimes multiple killings. So you mean to tell me there were 2 homicide on 49 of those days. 414 divide by 365 equals 1.13 homicide a year. Bloomberg I know this is your last year and you want to pad your legacy but who are you fooling. If crime is down why is the jails overcrowded.
The NYDN won't let me comment.
You will never believe a word the NYPD say about stop and frish after you hear this clip from Adrian Schoolcraft tapes.
Gee I wonder why.
NYC Crime is Up 1 Person Murdered A Day Spin Damage Control
New York City is on track to end the year with the lowest number of homicides in half a century—with 414 recorded as of this past weekend—but the overall crime rate is expected to be higher for the first time in a generation.
As of Sunday, there were 94 fewer homicides this year, compared with the same period last year, marking an 18.5% drop, according to data released Tuesday by the New York Police Department. During all of 2011, there were 515 murders, a 20.6% decline since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took office in January 2002.
Note from Suzannah -- the murder rate isn't "down" get real -- the murder rate means at least 1 person is murdered a day in NYC and I am a victim of violence in a medical office and according to the first precinct it never happened.
Listen to audio below and learn how NYPD fix crime illegally -- so
crime is higher and worse than reported.
Mayor Bloomberg Fraud Listen to NYPD Adrian Schoolcraft Whistleblower Audio
PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment.
(starts about 17:50 minutes in to the podcast.)
(starts about 17:50 minutes in to the podcast.)
I am also learning how corrupt Internal
Affairs is and protects NYPD like a brand unless Federal Agencies come in.
I am also learning how corrupt Internal
Affairs is and protects NYPD like a brand unless Federal Agencies come in.