Read John Liu's 2 press releases on ECTP the 911 Tech System Disaster for Tax Payers. Google John Liu CityTime 2. Like Dept. of Investigation, I am wondering about turn over of staff at Doitt. How many law suits does Doitt have under Mike Bloomberg and why so many dept heads Doitt and gee whiz nice a woman running Doitt now. Look at Doitt top dogs and their jobs now to lobbyists and for whom. Don't forget Larry Knafo. Larry, Gino, Agostino just want to ask u about 311 and tech stuff * simple math. I am highly critical of the Bloomberg administration and that includes Dept of Building with staggering high number of dead bodies thanks to Bloomberg's reckless Tsunami of Community crushing development still ineffectively policed by DOB as well as Dept of Investigation who I believe failed us CityTime pre Gerald Denault to ECTP an ever bigger crime scene in my opinion than the CityTime NYC gov SAIC cover-ups Pre Deanualt!!! How about DOITT's role??????? Besides Mark Page Pat Harris Doitt heads Rose Gill Hearn -- it just took simple math and an ounce of integrity. Dirt, dirty, lots of dirt to go around but certain folks above the law as we deal with largest abuses of tax payer money ever NYC gov history -- mostly mega over runs tech contracts and our tech whiz biz mayor rewarded a revolving door of corruption and a culture of failure.