"Amplify, focused on digital teaching and assessment tools, is run by Joel I. Klein, the former New York City schools chancellor. Rupert Murdoch, the chief executive of News Corporation, has said he would be “thrilled” if education were to account for 10 percent of its revenue five years from now."
Note: Murdoch Bloomberg wanted Liu restructured out of NY Pensions. Liu took shares of News Corp from 5 pensions and voted to ouster Murdoch as chair. Liu killed Wireless Generation deal with Board of Ed so Murdoch Klein found a back door. U can see the reason why in paragraph from NYT. I was the only one to say Murdoch wanted to take his deal global starting in NYC and Liu interfered worse he killed the big dream of the NYC contract.
U can see I was right on with Murdoch projecting his school tech ventures as 10 percent five years from now.