Friday, August 31, 2012
Vito Lopez Victims Asked for 1.2 Million Vito Lopez like the Catholic Church?
What does Vito Lopez and the Catholic Church have in common -- they want their victims SILENT!
It wasn't just sex abuse, abuse of power, it was and is still about greed and ruling Brooklyn the way NYC is divided up by legalized mob bosses and oligarchs like Partnership for NYC and so many groups posing civic minded but it is about power and ruling this City.
This is about real estate, political power, greed and stupidity....from Albany to City Hall...
just like the mortgage meltdown and wall street implosion -- no lessons learned biz as usual.
Hey Andy Cuomo, Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn any comment on Vito Lopez, Sheldon Silver, etc.
hardee har
Hey -- from Andrew Cuomo to Sheldon Silver to Carolyn Maloney to Mike Bloomberg --- Albany to City Hall this is like the entire State of New York is having a Bill Clinton Sex-Abuse of Power meltdown and if there were anybody in office with integrity -- it would mean mass resignations! Hardee har....
tongue in cheek.....everyone go back to sleep!