I say fire them and get a full refund starting with Howie Wolfson and Patti Harris.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlAw9P-MuvU&sns=em Breasty utube demanding billion dollar plus fine for Bloomberg -- explain his gross corrupt abuses City Hall -- left out oggling breasts and using T word which should lead to his resignation along with CityTime, ECTP 911 Tech System, NYCAPS, etc. and .blogspot.com/2012/04/christine-quinn-pharaoh-bloomberg.html FYI Bill DeBlasio gets an F from me -- I called sent registered letter re: DOB caught in lies, illegal abuses by slum lord developer perhaps with help from DOB? Also chronically chained one and only door shut immigrant workers inside. Bill DeBlasio F grade for no response and I was told his office can't set up meeting to hold DOB accountable. Rumor working family scandal to truly break if he runs for mayor way bigger than parking ticket scandal.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/public-advocate-bill-de-blasio-tells-mayor-bloomberg-teacher-evaluations-public-grade-aides-article-1.1070229#ixzz1tbvflzGm