Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Rudin Construction Workers Doing The Job of Dept of Building?
Rumor has it the at what I call the St. Vincent's Hospital crime scene where I await the prosecution of St Vincent's crooks but Christine Quinn and Cy Vance are in no rush perhaps to protect Rudin's acquisition from further scrutiny -- rumor is Rudin construction workers are doing the job that if we had an actual ethical DOB perhaps run by a commissioner with an engineering degree or architecture degree DOB staff are suppose to put up these signs but Bloomberg's corrupt greedy Tsunami of Development as never put morals, ethics or even safety first. Amanda The People's Burden the worst city planner in NYC' history along with Team Bloomberg are responsible for the largest displacement of People since the American Indians and the most reckless development pushing growth while letting so many hospitals close, fire houses close, cuts to NYPD and all on old NY's rotting infrastructures. The streets and beneath them crumbling. Subway stations crumbling and leaking; I am waiting for another ceiling collapse or someone killed by accident because of all the shoving and pushing to get on over crowded train or up a stair way to small to accommodate the large crowds. Imagine if a terror attack or natural disaster forces A List liars and exploiters to join the Little People on our level and in desperate need of a hospital or have to share over crowded public transportation. Could happen.