Ho hum, it was simple math that Mike Bloomberg, his money guy Mark Page who he appointed to the MTA board (more on that), Christine Quinn and City Council could not do simple math that something was really really wrong with the fact that the powers that be were getting approval to over run the budgets by mega-millions or in the case of ECTP 911 a BILLION and counting.....
but where was Dept. of Investigation...in a coma?
Hard to believe they were not alerted just like that had to be re: CityTime and before Denault ever got hired. I say that because the Richard Valcich letter had to be forwarded to Dept. of Investigation. Interesting the head of DOI leaves --- maybe he wanted to do his job....hardee har?
And the Cathie Black of DOI comes in .....Rose Gill Hearn.... If you click on the link I give you for Rose it will take you to her Dad’s scandal and keep the Bill Thompson scandal Battery Park in your mind when you read the links.
When you look at Richard Valcich’s whistle blowing letter you see Bill Thompson and Mike Bloomberg’s name on the bottom of every page.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARFIl0hxTGw&list=UUmCef-t72tojrbQ3d8UW2LA&index=9&feature=plpp_video I read you part of the letter which is very disturbing and proves the US Attorney needs to go back in time CityTime but so far refuses for some reason and mysteriously no arrests of any NYC Gov. officials. Google Richard Valcich whistle blowing letter or see link up top in my YouTube to read actual letter in it’s entirety.
When Joel Bondy testified in front of City Council and he did so under oath....gee whiz de he commit perjury?
Reminder Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James my point being that neither Quinn or Thompson should be mayor or hold public office every again and Rose Gill Hearn should resign along with Mike and Team Bloomberg.
Rose Gill Hearn did an informercial for CityTime on NY1 and in my opinion both she and the mayor lied to the press who wrote down their lies without confrontation like bubble head subservient secretaries and not the Judy Holiday type who we all know is smarter than all the rest.
Yes it is amazing how being treated like you are inferior and invisible can be an asset gathering info!