Saturday, April 7, 2012
David Seifman 911 Tech Disaster Bigger Than Reported Blame Mike!!! David: Gartner did a report as well. How much did we pay Gartner and an unnamed Washington company to blame everyone but Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page and City Council for approving a billion dollars an over rides on ECTP aka 911 Tech disaster. We have so many egregious mega over runs mostly all tech contracts and City Council lead by corrupt Quinn Bloomberg's puppet despite good cop bad cop routine -- rubber stamped. Than we pay and pay consultants for advice a 4th grade with basic math skills could answer far more honestly. No! Stop going over budget. We want answers and collectively we are taking billions in over rides, quality control, out sourcing and consultanting all approved by our great tech biz mayor. Resign. The papers are covering up because they don't want him and Quinn forced out and if u knew u would demand Mike resign. Google John Liu CityTime 2 read his 1st press release on 911 Tech disaster. Not the NYPD and FDNY's fault. Look to the lobbyists on these mega over run contracts!!!