JBird 01:03 AM
Apr 10, 2012
Bloomberg wasted billions of taxpayer's dollars on the "911 REVAMP PROJECT" and the "CITY TIME PROJECT". Both of which are now deemed failures. The only people that benefited were the contractors hired. Bloomberg wanted faster response times from the FDNY. Yet, he closed down too many firehouses. He cut the fire truck crew from a 8 person crew to a 6 person crew. That's 2 less firefighters that could save a person's life in a fire. Today, when fire trucks are dispatched they have to drive a couple more miles to get to the scene. In a fire, when seconds count it could mean life or death. As for NYPD, walk into any police station and ask them how many police cars they have on the street. They have 2 police cars patrolling your entire neighborhood. I remember in the 1990's, there were 6 to 7 police cars out there. How fast does Bloomberg expect FDNY and NYPD to respond ? The report will be fudged. Bloomberg says his report is not ready. Why ? He needs time to plan his cover up !! The contractors made billions. Bloomberg took from the FDNY & NYPD and gave the money to the contractors. Who suffers ? The citizens of NYC that's who suffers. I've noticed that more and more people are dying in fires and crime is skyrocketing. Bloomberg doesn't give a *** about you. He's filling his pockets with lots of dough.
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Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/judge-orders-mayor-bloomberg-release-report-city-911-system-article-1.1058918#ixzz1reKCPL67