With Mike Bloomberg as mayor and his mini-me Christine Quinn, Ms. Slush and Intimidation, it is only about helping their pals and they are the rich ruling class, real estate, financial sector, etc. When Mike Bloomberg says progress he means get your moving van. Look at his hires...Cathie Black who has no qualifications and tells parents to use condo/s & Sophie's Choice a Holocaust reference to a Mom picking between which child is going to be murdered by the Nazis to Amanda the people's Burden, a socialite mega-millionaire who is responsible along with Mike Bloomberg for perhaps the biggest mass displacement of people here since the American Indians and the new "hideous" NY built on old NY's exploding, dilapidated infrastructure. Mike threw out the requirement the head of DOB must have a architectural or engineering degree. Mike and Quinn are not about unity but about arrogance and ruling NYC while their friends grow richer and more NYers in droves are forced out.NY