+ I have the flu bug -- stresses galore part of life under Bloomberg but if I recall directly even Purnick -- a hard core Bloomberg groupie believes that he delayed the referendum issue until it was too late on purpose so he could say there was not enough time because he did not think he could have won.
In my piece http://bloombergnewzzz.blogspot.com/2009/07/bloomberg-newzzz-by-suzannah-b-troy_20.html I wrote he may have actually won the right to run for a third term but not giving us a referendum he angered New Yorkers.
Below my comment on Adam Lisberg's piece
All my YouTubes, 334 were mysteriously banned witI just made two YouTubes; one about how dishonest Joyce Purnick's bio on Bloomie is...one example, she states Steve Rattner, Mike's money mgr urges him to run for 3rd term but she leaves out his co. Quadrangle was implicated in pension scandals....oops.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FHKHen7_mk All my YouTubes, 334 were mysteriously banned with no notice and yet I have been harassed, cyber stalked, a city council members identity was stolen who is against Bloomberg's 3rd term & identity theft cyber stalker who I believe calls himself "Bloombergforlife" says he is the council member & is celebrating with Mike at the Sheraton. If you are celebrating why steal a city council member's identity, cyber stalk & harass. The DA has been notified but this article underscores my concern Mike, staff, gang far more ruthless & dishonest than I could have imagined.
Thanks, Suzannah B. Troy