He invited me to call in and I will. Check my YouTube for more info...(see the text portion for some links including one on Mike Bloomberg, Poland Spring underscoring how Mike is not green and costs the tax payers money with frivolous spending....)
When I made my first YouTubes starting with "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York" I noticed I made it to the front page of YouTube search engines -- It would always be DrinkingwithBob aka Bob Thompson, comedian, Jackie Mason giving Bloomberg hell and me Suzannahartist
I guess Bob decided to save the best for last ---- laugh but I had dinner plans and was suppose to go to Bowery Poetry Club...
I would have wanted to add this to what I said and instead posted on my YouTube comment section.
Bob brought up Willets Point - eminent domain but he left out the word abuse although he refers to it. Almost entire neighborhood Manhattanville was forced out eminent domain abuse for Columbia University, Brooklyn Rattner development ditto and The NY Times building eminent domain abuse. The streets were better in colonial times. Sub zero trickle down. If Bloomberg wanted to buy the people he should have handed out 100 mill to the people-his campaign people robbed him now he knows how we feel.