Mike Bloomberg always defends and protects top brass.....
most shameful is his best friend forever Steve Rattner who is an blatant crook who pleaded the 5th 64 times and paid to play NY Pension and than Andrew Cuomo let him pay to not go to jail and pay to not plead guilty.
It is startling that The Financial Times, The NY Times, and television shows give crook Steve Rattner space rather than honest courageous whistle blowers but we do not have news anymore but informercials.
They say it is who you know and who you....rhymes with know. No surprise Mike's bought and paid for ken doll charlie rose like ed koch had Rattner on his or Mike's show.
Mike keeps and protects all crooks in the upper hierarchy. Why? Because he is guilty himself.
Mike has multi-watergates and should be resigning.