Mayor Bloomberg King of New York NO THIRD TERM!
Your philanthropy is welcome! by Suzannah B. Troy
This site is devoted to voting no to a third term.
NYC is oligarch central. Using youtube as art, street poster art asking "Is Democracy for Sale?", branching out w/ low budget protest- NYC style. In contrast, king Mike made billions despite the economic tsunami and has unlimited resources. My goal is to make you think and feel; that is my job as an artist!
Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Protected NYPD Fixing and Favors My Case Included
mayor bloomberg, de Blasio I call Bloomed Blasio, Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, Reznick, O'Neill Know a lot about fixing crime don't they?
See bottom of Blog to see info Unions, Wiki page, Vote Quinn OUT! etc.
Here is an email to Suzannah B. Troy and folks I get others like this but asked I don’t publish the praise....bummer for me.
I am just so tired and it means a lot to me that are a few people out there intelligent enough to tune in to my frequency...they get me on a heart and soul level as well. A producer from a certain tv station couldn’t contain his laughter at my spelling mistakes etc as he plied me for info....that’s my life....the clown but not just a clown....
You might want to read this Matt Taibbi piece published in the Rolling Stone where he describes the SEC’s dismal record in policing powerful criminals.He describes numerous failures by the SEC to seriously prosecute firms like American International Group, Ameriprise, Bank of America, Bear Stearns, Columbia Management, Deutsche Asset Management, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Putnam Investments, Raymond James, RBC Dain Rauscher, UBS and Wells Fargo/Wachovia and instead allowing them to settle serious transgressions on the cheap with a promise never to do it again…..only to have them do it again time after time.
It makes me think how frustrating it is for you, one tiny artist person, almost single handedly, battling, one You Tube episode at a time, against the powerful, corrupt billionaire machines running roughshod over the ordinary citizens of NYC.In contrast, the SEC with thousands of employees and tremendous money resources is basically afraid to go after the kingpins and instead relentlessly pursue and take down some weak two bit underlings who barely know what end is up.You’ve got mucho guts and, if I may say so, very large cojones.
I prefer clit power but unfortunately it is a man’s least you would think so when people describe buts as big balls..... I don’t know why people use the word pussy to describe someone weak. Most people enter this world through a pussy so a pussy symbols strength and power in my book -- a compliment I would think.
Even with the Pentagon bail-out oops I meant to say contract thangs look bleak for SAIC...and guess what I now have a growing group of people that agree with me that the 455 million dollars SAIC wired NYC gov was too low a figure.
I was the only voice raised when the news broke stating it was too low and a fix to sweep even larger corruption under the rug....hint...the richard valcich whistle blowing letter.
Hereis the YouTube below when I was the only voice stating the pay back way too low CityTime from SAIC! new youtube and I hold Thompson, Mark Page and Christine Quinn and most City Council members accountable with exceptions like Tish James. Where r arrests NYC gov officials on CityTime, ECTP, etc. just like Bloomberg caught illegally using heliport - when confronted Bloomberg way to lie. No wonder Mike and paid puppet Koch support Rangel but even Rangel wants to know where all the Federal money went hardee har. Stay tuned just the tip of the iceberg and multi Watergates Bloomberg resign. U and Quinn serve a term in jail. Bloomberg should have been forced to resign already for his role in the largest white collar crimes ever in NYC gov history -- billions in over rides and pay outs to tech consultants that mostly went in to people's pocket on flawed tech systems. Who allowed an extra billion tax payer dollars on over rides for ECTP the 911 Tech system alone and like CityTime but way bigger it looks like larger contractors and perhaps sub-contractors as well as lobbyists with recognized names and ex DOITT bosses profited as the tax payers were robbed. Mike also is so arrogant like all his billionaire buddies I write about like Rudin and Trump etc that he illegally broke curfew -- broke the law for 6 moths using a heliport illegally.
I happen to visit the 1st Precinct where a niave short husky white female NYPD officer responded the law is the law over an anal inappropriate law on Veteran Vendors that prevents Eric a severely handicap Korean War Vet 81 years old from getting a yellow license vs white - anal ridiculous rules over feet and rich white people come out with tape measures who didn't serve Our Country and call the NYPD to ticket and ticket they do but Mike and corrupt politicians remain above the law along with rich folk. Mike is so mentally ill he kids himself he can dictate our beverages, fat and salt in take as he denies to himself his legacy stealing an illegal 3rd term with Christine Quinn's help and failing as a mayor biz tech whiz over seeing billion of tax payer money and fraud on mega tech contracts as well as non tech. Mine wound be poverty level along with us daughters treated very cruelly by the world if he had run his private empire this way because he would be bankcrupt and Rudy Giuliani involved and he and his ex deputy mayors profited.
ps Mike pays for ads on my blog praising himself including his anti smoking work but in NYC have you ever seen so many cigarette smokers? Record number just like mega theft/ abuse taxs payers money tech contracts.
How many millions have we paid Gartner Group since Mike Bloomberg came to power
as mayor or little emperor of NYC to advise on a series of Tax Payers Titanics?
Did we pay Gartner group hundreds of millions?
Just curious?
We could have gotten simple advice from a fourth grader NYC public school who knows
basic math were were being robbed every which way possible on these contracts and most
every body who should have protected the tax payer money did not....hmmm.
Why so late is this beginning to surface and why can’t we get Preet Bharara to
go back in Time CityTime to Richard Valcich’s letter to SAIC Feb. 2003 that alludes to beyond disgrace activities and mistreatment of our tax payer money before Denault was even hired!
'Kickback' in Time. City payroll firm eyed for shady deal. By SALLY GOLDENBERG. Last Updated: 10:51 AM, December 23, 2010. Posted: 1:27 AM, December ...
Remember this article -- The NY Post may have removed it....
My question -- how much did we Gartner each year to give us advice on ECTP the 911 Tech System and did Gartner get kick backs hardee har... like CityTime?
Too bad The NY Post appears to have removed what could be an award winning piece of reporting by Sally Goldenberg Kick back in Time about Spherion which acted like a subsidiary of SAIC -- what I call a subsidiary of crime and gave Gartner kickbacks to do quality control on them....hardee har!
Getting ready to make a leap to The White House so Gartner stock -- time to sell was that it? I don’t know. I am just an artist and my blog my art. You tell me.‘net’_worth "Just another $14.3 million, and the city’s much-touted $500 million wireless network will be able to do some of what it was supposed to do, officials said.Fire Department officials told a City Council hearing yesterday that defense contractor Raytheon is six months away from putting crucial information By Sally Goldenberg Josh Margolin NY Post."
The NY Post removed this exclusive by Sally Goldenberg and Josh Margolin but I have a copy -- go look on the above link.
'Kickback' in Time. City payroll firm eyed for shady deal. By SALLY GOLDENBERG. Last Updated: 10:51 AM, December 23, 2010. Posted: 1:27 AM, December ...
My question -- how much did we Gartner each year to give us advice on ECTP the 911 Tech System and did Gartner get kick backs hardee har... like CityTime?
Too bad The NY Post appears to have removed what could be an award winning piece of reporting by Sally Goldenberg Kick back in Time about Spherion which acted like a subsidiary of SAIC -- what I call a subsidiary of crime and gave Gartner kickbacks to do quality control on them....hardee har!
Getting ready to make a leap to The White House so Gartner stock -- time to sell was that it? I don’t know. I am just an artist and my blog my art. You tell me.
Let us see if Suzannah B. Troy can get past The New York Times censors or if The NYT is going to violate her 1st amendment right yet again they way the newspaper did the night Christine Quinn helped push through an illegal third term and the comment included the words “slush money”. For under achievers -- slush money is tax payer money and Bloomberg and Quinn abused it to push through an illegal third term denying the People of NYC a referendum.
Here is the comment posted at 5:00PM Let’s see if the NYT violates my 1st amendment right or holds my comment hostage for 24 hours....
Is Christine Quinn going to include how she sold the lie we needed Bloomberg for a 3rd term to help us with the economy & he and Quinn only helped their pals. To see the short list look who has contributed to Christine Quinn’s mayoral run. Is Mike’s mini-me going to include the fact she brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James? Here is the YouTube of Norman Siegel calling for an investigation in to how Quinn locked out her own district from testifying in front of City Council who’s presence was also lacking. Quinn’s own district wants a full service trauma level 1 hospital, not Rudin luxury condos. Quinn could have pushed for protective zoning for a hospital but she didn’t . She could have pressured Cy Vance to prosecute the St. Vincent’s crook perhaps because she doesn’t want to bring attention to the Rudin acquistion of St. Vincent’s considering all the campaign donations Team Rudin has made.
How can Quinn explain she allowed a Rape Counseling center close & no AIDS care on 12th St. now St. Vincent’s closed.
Tip of the Iceberg folks on the 911 tech system......ditto for CityTime where we still have not gotten to the truth a far bigger tax payer abuse and fraud so stay tuned....Finally a small part of 2 billion dollar fraud and lied ECTP 911 Tech System is coming out. By the way how much have we paid Gartner and other consultants all these years as we were over billed, frauded and lied to about all these mega tech contracts. Where were the auditors before John Liu? Why is Mark Page silent. How did City Council let this go on and on Christine Quinn? Some great biz man Mike is!!! He would be poverty level and homeless is he ran his private empire thus way.
Good Job John Liu but keep going where did 2 billion dollars tax payer money go? Bloomberg's new DOITT puppet already selling Joel Bondy styled response or lied u pick -- where did all the money go in all these Bloomberg Tech Tax Payer Titanics? ECTP 911 keep digging. Get our money back plus damages.
FYI: I made 2 YouTube channels for local 375 DC37 one is called Bloombergticeberg
I urge you to look at John Liu’s first two press releases on ECTP -- the first is called CityTime 2 so google John Liu CityTime 2 press release.
Bloomberg's latest City budget proposal is another example of how he runs New York City by and for the 1%.
For the 99%, Bloomberg proposes harsh cuts to childcare, after school programs, homeless housing, libraries and firehouses. Many neighborhoods face the elimination of all after-school programs, and City officials admit they have no real plan to deal with displaced youth or help working parents.
For the 1%, Bloomberg offers continued subsidies, special deals and giveaways, including hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies to big banks and corporations, even if they haven't kept their job-creation promises. No taxes on hedge fund profits, no cuts to city contracts with big banks -- it's more prosperity for them, and more austerity for us.
In the richest city in America, we don't have to put up with this.
Join us for a meeting Thursday, May 31st at 6pm to plan for a bold, vibrant day of action at the City Council's final public hearing on the city budget, to be held June 6th.
Open Meeting:
Thursday, May 31st @ 6pm
UFT - 52 Broadway Room 19B
Remember Joel Bondy was under oath when he testified that there was nothing wrong going over budget 700 million dollars on CityTime.
Now we have Raul Merchant, Mike Bloomberg’s hire defending spending 50 million dollars a year on tech consultants.
Please explain to me how we went 1 billion dollars over budget on the 911 tech system called ECTP.
I guess we don’t have auditors or anyone that can do simple math or were too many connected people confident it was a city contract and they could rob and rape tax payers and in contrast the little People are ticketed up to their eyeballs.
Reminder Pat Harris, deputy mayor who The NY Post exposed stealing tax payer money collecting a pay check from NYC Gov as she was chauffeured up a Bloomberg mansion to work on his charity also got her son a job as the head of Information Technology although he is now out the door for some reason... a soft landing and that rumor has it Mike’s sister’s best friend Ellen Stein is the other head of IT.
Reminder, Pat’s husband, Judge Lebow was appointed to the MTA board by Mike and to do what pushed the corrupt SAIC MTA deal along with Mark Page.
Thompson’s name is on the bottom of every page of the famous whistle blowing letter
added this comment to the nydn news article on raul merchant testifying in front of city council.... made a new youtube pointing out Raul Merchant lies like a rug a bloomberg puppet -- it is like Joel Bondy testifying under oath in front of City Council and Tish James yet again and guess what Joel Bondy lied and no one has punished him. Not one arrest NYC gov officials.
Welcome to Bloomberg’s house of Lies City Hall -- a series of tax payer Titanics too big too ignore!
Me singing birds do it bees do it -- parodying Mike Bloomberg DOITT incompetence and aiding and abetting mega-abuse of tax payer money... me singing birds do it music but how Bloomberg and DOITT let NYC tax payers be robbed.... and this tube Merchant Mike Bloomberg’s cleaner but Bloomberg’s Tech Titanics too big to sweep under the rug.
Also look at DOITT’s very high turn-over and where did many ex-doitt guys end up? Hmmm.
You know I want to puked when I saw Knafo went to work for Deutsche Bank and that was after he left DOITT to work for Northrop Grumman who in my opinion is just another Defense contractor that bilked us along with all the others.
Richard Valcich's whistle blowing letter is proof for a decade SAIC has skirted responsibility. So far US Attorney has mystifyingly allowed SAIC to not take responsibility despite the fact SAIC's own shareholders have filed mega law suits against SAIC top officials but to date NYC Gov and US Attorney refuse to hold them accountable -- just Gerald Denault. We also have not held any top NYC gov officials accountable. Re-do the indictment. I was the only voice raised when the news broke the 500 million pay back was too low and a scam to brush even larger corruption under the rug. See u at City Hall June 5 noon to demand tax payer money back on all Bloomberg's Tax Payers Titanics including ECTP 911 Tech System.
The first giant one of Roxie's friends had stopped flat at refused to help. I recruit this angel on a bicycle. Roxie's friends were very sad and in shock working on their grief constructively. It was a surprise to hear a smile and laughter for a moment like a bubbling brook happiness after the frustration of having the first giant guy say no, we got help to lift the memorial high where her friends wanted it.
The gothamist picked up my blog post and tightened my photo so you can see their Memorial Sign to Roxie better.
I am so tired I just want to share this brief seconds because it was so intense we came together and I found this kind tall man to help.
Saic forbes predict they will slump further for earnings call.
From the street we say history needs to be made -- US Attorney Preet Bharara redo the indictment. This company in my artistic opinion is corrupt and one half billion does not get a out of jail free card for SAIC with Gerald Denault as the ultimate scape goat when the Richard Valcich letter says other wise.
Folks my reading of only part of the Richard Valcich whistle blowing letter has over 1,000 hits and FYI
Bill Thompson’s name as well as Mike Bloomberg’s is on the bottom of every page.
Tell me why did the head of Department of Investigation leave shortly there after and why did Rose Gill Hearn do nothing!!!!!!
Click on the link above for more links including to Richard Valcich’s letter who for some reason is now very quiet! Hmmmmm. From Hero to nothing to say!
In front of SAIC’s offices --- my first time trying to speak and holding a mega-phone but I am the only one to say 500,000 million back is too low a figure. I want a billion x 3 RICO for The People of New York! I was the only speaker to say so. June 5 noon steps of City Hall we join up again and now the Unions lead by Local 375 DC37 will demand more money back!
I had researched SAIC before I attended a meeting I was invited to by someone from Local 375 DC37 and I went home and made this YouTube.
Again I was the only one to say No Renewal with SAIC! Instead we need a full investigation!
Since than SAIC is banned from doing any biz here in NY with the State and City.
Thank you.
See you at City Hall June 5th at noon and we want a lot more money back.
I want more than a billion back on ECTP the 911 Tech system, and how about FDNY wireless, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, NICE, Seedco, etc.
No arrests of NYC gov officials and no auditors held accountable on either side of the contract dealings.
Shouldn’t we be suing SAIC’s auditors as well which I believe is Deloitte?
Ditto for the other deals where so far we have zero accountability.
Under Bloomberg zero arrests of the people that should be arrested and way too many false arrests of people that are innocent.
How ironic Mike Bloomberg with multi-Watergates, a mayor who should have been forced out along with his puppet Christine Quinn who pushed through an illegal third term and brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime and discouraged a third aren’t serving a term in jail. Mike just got busted for illegally using a heliport chronically breaking curfew for 6 months and when he is confronted by ABC news he lies and says he is not doing anything wrong. So City Hall.
What does Mark Page have to say? Can we get a full re-imbursement for Howie Wolfson and other robbers salaries -- campaign staffers the tax payers are forced to pay their 6 figure salary.
If Mike Bloomberg ran his private business the way he has run NYC gov with billions in over rides and mostly tech contracts Mike would be homeless along with his daughters and ex-wife. He wouldn’t be on the Forbes list.
Amazing Forbes gives SAIC a low rating with all of SAIC’s help from very special very connected friends getting them awards and a 2 billion dollar contract with the Pentagon I call a bail-out to prevent an Enron ending.
I want a record amount of billions of dollars back for the People of NYC and I don’t want City Council or Scott Stringer all with Marie Antoinette complex’s to get their hands on it -- and their friends, relatives, boyfriends and girlfriends -- I want the money to get to the People of NYC, our children, the homeless, re-open Fire Houses closed after 9-11, hire more NYPD, re-open schools and make them better, pre-school care, and more and more so the People actually feel the difference.
Right now the quality of life has dropped and many New Yorkers live some where between a recession and a depression except for Christine Quinn and her pals, Mike Bloomberg and his pals and their kids, ditto Amanda the People’s Burden, etc.
Please do not forget Rudy Giuiani and pals profited.... Peter Powers and other men that were Rudy’s deputy mayors plus an guy that was a lawyer for Rudy on the NY Pensions than became a 2nd in command DOITT. Look to Doitt guys turned lobbyists or went to work for Defense contractors and Deutsche the math..... Even what’s her name (Liz Holzman) is a lobbyist for SAIC as the People got robbed and raped largest white collar crimes ever and ECTP as well look at the lobbyists -- see the names of lobbyist companies working on CityTime and ECTP and you will see familiar names and DOITT names.
The bait and switch; Amanda the People’s Burden uses a term like “affordable housing” as a Trojan Horse to push through corrupt zone busting community crushing development for her friends last time I checked! Bloomberg and Amanda the People’s Burden, the worst city planner commissioner ever in NYC’s history are responsible for the most mass displacement in this area since The American Indians! When Mike Bloomberg says “progress” he means get your moving van? By the way have you noticed the street conditions are terrible and that the streets were better in Colonial Times! Amazing when Mike allows his corrupt real estate magnate pals including those posing as higher ed when they are about higher greed --- like NYU, NY Law with an illegal zone busting mega dorm next to the Hells Angels with balconies, Columbia University, The New School , Cooper Union and SVA --- to super size on old NY’s infrastructure and than Mike is surprised water pipes break from before the Civil War as did in the West Village or by Donald Trumps unwelcome build on Spring and Varrick Christine Quinn helped just like she is in bed with Bill Rudin St. Vincent’s luxury condos and than there is this
Bloomberg administration is the most corrupt ever from CityTime, ECTP the 911 tech, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, Seedco, NICE, etc. to a reckless corrupt tsunami of community crushing development on old New Yorks infrastructure.
Why hasn’t Cy Vance prosecuted the St. Vincent’s Crooks? Afraid to bring attention to the Rudin family acquisition.. Amazing how under bloomberg Dept of Building lets construction work take over entire sidewalks yet another way Mike pushes NY’s out in the street for his corrupt wheelings and dealings for pals.
The New York eminent domain Times new build that I believe both Bruce Ratner and Steve Rattner played key roles in bankcrupted the NY Times forcing the NYT to sell to a Mexican billionaire. Rattner paid to not go to jail and to not plead guilty but oddly The NY Times and The Financial Times are giving him op ed pieces.
So much corruption NYC smells like decaying dead bodies.....
Two huge stories not reported and what a relief SAIC gets a bail-out tax payer money 2 billion dollar contract from Pentagon...oops did I call that a bail-out?
Google thank you. My question is is their expansion going to destroy our communities, mass displacement of People, tear down of historic buildings, even more small businesses closed for bars and banks catering to college crowd that have zero respect for the people who don’t want to hear them party etc. because NYU, Cooper Union, The New School, NY Law which built an illegal zone busting build next to the Hells Angels on 3rd St, NYU’s illegal purchase of air over St. Ann’s sold by USPS -- tear down of St. Ann’s 1847, Columbia University eminent domain abuse so entire neighborhood of Manhattanville had to move....and Dave Dinkins big sell-out, etc. are just examples of why these college wheeling and dealings not welcome. Only the drug dealers and bar owners are excited about more expansion of college kids.
Shame on you Gov. Cuomo for appointing Dave Perjury Paterson to MTA board. If you can’t appoint someone honest than at least appoint someone who uses the subway and has an MTA card. Explain to school kids how Dave came to have a page on perjury and witness tampering. The witness tampering involves silencing a victim of spousal abuse by Dave Johnson 6 foot 9 and every honest person on Dave Paterson’s staff resigned while Dave Paterson kept Johnson on the payroll. Here Dave Paterson lies to me as I confront him outside of WOR He lies. He protected Johnson and kept him on the payroll as long as he could. The victim later did come forward and Johnson pleaded guilty and got a soft landing. Shame on every politician that protected Dave Paterson and a special shame for Judge Judy Kaye who in my opinion is uber corrupt political player and should be investigated by a ethics board. No wonder she married Christine Quinn and pal and Dave guilty of silence a woman of spousal abuse is invited to a Lesbian feminist wedding.
Explain all this to school kids Cuomo and bring Judge Judy Kaye when you do. I voted for you and no more.
Dave must be having a hell of a time flirting with NYU students and all this goes on for one reason because of daddy Basil’s connections.
Christine Quinn has a habit of locking out her very own district Chelsea and West Village People that show up to testify in front of city council they demand a hospital. She locked them up and the city council attendence almost nil with a few having stand in dummies for them because the fix was in on the Rudin luxury condos.
Is Cy Vance refusing to investigate the St. Vincentâs crooks because it might bring attention to Rudin acquisition of St. V. Christine Quinn does not want an investigation as to why her own community locked out and why an ambulance took a half hour after a series of 911 calls for an elderly man that wanted to testify who passed out. Quinn and Bill Thompsonâs role in CityTime debacle even more proof they have no right to run for off but should be running to attorneys if Preet Bharara was really going to go back in Time CityTime crime.
See richard valcich whistle blowing letter with Bloomberg and Thompsonâs name bottom of every page and they did nothing to stop SAiC criminal behavior before Denault was even hired Quinn brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James. Were are the arrests City Hall. Also which city council members got fixes and favors NYPD PBA? City Hall officials major cover-ups?
Rudy Giuliani record should include prison for throwing at AutoTime created and run by City Workers, Maxiumus another disaster a huge waste of tax payer money like CityTime that rudy brought in. Rudy and his guys involved with SAIC and Citytime, MTA deals and lots of deals were in my opinion We The People were robbed and Rudy and guys profited. No wonder this youtube of me reading the famous whistle blowing letter has over a thousand hits on YouTube! Amazing what the newspapers won’t report and who they protect!!!!!! google Peter Powers SAIC Timeline -- find my post -- i started looking around....who knew....
Rudy worse than a shop lifter --- in my opinion he is a crook and a far larger level and all with the goal to get in the White House. He won’t run because he could end up like Bernie Kerik.
He is lucky Preet Bharara refuses to go back in Time CityTime!
Look at the NY Times article about Bloomberg quietly throwing out Maximus and guess what CityTime will be thrown away too. Thanks Rudy and Mike. Neither of you, Christine Quinn and Bill Thompson belong in public office along with your helpers.
I had one guy at the ny post admit the 2nd time around I was banned it was supposed self promotion. From the NY Post that is almost laughable.
The NY Times has preventing me from commenting the first time was the night Christine Quinn and Bloomberg pushed through an illegal third term and I referred to the slush money aka tax payer money they abused to help achieve their goal.
The NY Times violated my 1st amendment right.
I was banned for months by the NY Post until they changed over their system and stopped violating my free speech.
There is something wrong over at The New York Daily News with a key senior person in the photo dept and or more -- and reporters. The photo from the above article has the dump truck and a police officer present to explain the article to me.
Google my post on Melissa Grace and NYDN photo editor cutting out Joe Tacopina from a big and embarassing loss here in NYC where he blamed the woman victim -- google and look for yourself --- that is an example of more than a lapse in integrity and why are they doing so for Joe Hell Bound Tacopina. No mention the editor Colin Myler may go to jail in England for his role Murdoch Hacking Scandal and why did Mort Zuckerman hire him?
Well now click on the link for the death of Roxie Sorina! Explain the photo with the dump struck stopped, a police officer standing there and the name and telephone number of the company. Something does not add up with this story and again the unusual reporting at the News although it is not as heinous as Melissa Grace and the photo editor cropping -- cutting Joe out of a story.
Could you imagine if we could get the NY State Attorney General to confront these folks, The NY Post and The NY Times on less than ethical reporting, irresponsible reporting to story killing on behalf of folks at City Hall CityTime, NYPD PBA ticket fixing favors City Hall, etc. NYT has already endorsed Christine Quinn and killing huge stories along with NY Post NYDN on Quinn locking out her own district, Quinn making sure 2 investigations one the lock out - one 75 year old man 250 broadway there to testify passing out needing an ambulance - took 30 minutes no investigation -- no news reports!!!
Not this Wednesday -- re-scheduled June 5 noon. Steps of City Hall.
Got confirmation. See u there.
Local 375 DC37 were prime movers getting CityTime scandal out.
I joined them in front of SAIC NYC offices. I was the only one to not let Bloomberg set the bar on the return of our tax payee money. I asked for a billion x 3 and my YouTube of me reading Richard Valcich's letter explains why.
Mother ##%%#* they r the nastiest - I blurt out to laughter. The sadistic MTA conductors little joy foiled someone using a body part gets the doors to part like the red sea.
Yes I got the express but the Q is so dysfunctional u can sit and watch the local pass u by. I luck out and the Q air condition like ice water -- local luke warm water.
My tummy and boobs feel huge. Waiting to get back in bed. Waiting to get my period. Look 100 years old today and I don't have money to inject my face with crap or the desire. Scary how one day your old. U look at young folks unlined faces I feel that way inside.
African American woman lets out a sigh of disgust as we climb the stairs and the pungent piss smell can't be ignored. The over whelming odor of the one homeless lost soul that sits waiting for a train that never comes is missed this am. Found another spot for the holiday.
I feel like my breasts
may explode. Why bother wearing a bra. Breasts apparently too potent poor males can't be held accountable except in NY we females have legal right to be topless. Apparently our nipples arousing so bras designed to make our breasts look like breast implants thickly pad our nipples lest we arouse. America really screwed up. Reading a page turner about under belly NYC New School student with a heroin coke addiction earning cash creatively via sex bordering on sex work. Tell u more later. The sexual parts boring to grotesque but the drug part... Heroin and coke big biz in NYC as I have come to learn unwillingly. I have only held drugs in my hand once as an alternate juror where the jury let the guilty man go and he also committed perjury. The jury felt sorry for him so I figured he would be back next week selling drugs outside his grandmother's building. He had a record and this would mean jail time. Much later chatted with someone who said he thought that guy worked for a hard core drug dealer.
I am posting from my iPhone and on my Suzannah blog no paragraphs r recognized and blogger still preventing me from using tags. Nice!!! I just helped carry this black woman with a thick accent's bag up the stairs long story but at port authority a dysfunctional mess and poorly organized as they rennovate ------- that had me sprinting and sweating covering a huge amount of geography because they are so screwed up. At least I helped someone in need and who was actually grateful. I tend to attract users like I am their personal stash of unlimited energy and other desired resources. Users. Does thar make me their heroin Heroine? Have a great day.
Reminder Mike appointed Mark Page and Patti Harris husband judge Lebow to MTA board. Do u think they pushed corrupt MTA SAIC deal? I do
Look just got this comment and so right on....
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Teesamona has made a comment on Mayor Mike Bloomberg CityTime Massive Theft Fraud Hello NY? Mafia NYPD Feds! Gov who cares?:
Not only that Suzanna the MTA is robbing us with the electronic vending machine by making it difficult to get your money back. Te MTA is a Bunch of crooks and the mayor is probably aware of this as well . This is OUR CiTY it our hard earned money being squandered and stolenby the greedy. We cant allow them to infringe on our livelyhood we need to fight back This is OUR CITY THEY WORK FOR US THEY ARE NOT KINGS and QUEENs WE VOTED THEm IN to work for US! They are not doing a good job!
To reply to this comment click here.
Reminder, me Suzannah and only me has said Dept of Building Stats not accurate because so many illegal immigrants and workers working illegally period on construction sites getting injured are not coming forward. I did wonder about dead bodies and DOB fudging stats so I wasn’t surprised to given the heads up on this article.....
Sorry folks but The Chief does not give you the entire read for is an excerpt...
By MARK TOOR — Friday, May 25th, 2012; 4:00 p.m. ‘The Chief / Civil Service Leader’
The conventional wisdom is that it’s hard to fiddle with homicide statistics because you can’t hide the bodies, but a pair of policing experts say it appears the NYPDhas figured out ways to do just that.
“We’ve been told by people on the force that they’re doing everything they can to game the system, including homicides,” said Eli Silverman, who with retired Police Capt. John Eterno wrote a book, “The Crime Numbers Game: Management by Manipulation,” making the case that the department’s Compstat crime-analysis system has made middle-managers downgrade crime reports and take other questionable actions to show never-ending decreases.
City Claims Historic Low
The Police Department and the Bloomberg administration claim homicides are occurring this year at the lowest rate since police began recording statistics in 1963. The department announced that it recorded 129 homicides through May 11, down21 percent from a similar period in 2011. At the same time, however, shootings were up 6 percent from last year
Mayor Bloomberg brags that the decline in homicides since he took office has saved 5,600 lives compared to the totals during the prior decade. He uses this figure to defend the department’s controversial stop-and-frisk program, which a rising number of critics say promotes hundreds of thousands of unjustified stops, primarily of young black and Hispanic men.
The Bloomberg administration argues that the program discourages people from carrying guns they could use in the heat of the moment to settle an argument. Mr. Bloomberg has refused to meet with City Council Members and community leaders who are critical of it.
Some critics have questioned his use of the “5,600 lives saved,” which is based on a comparison between his first 10 years in office and the 10 years preceding it, which began with the crack epidemic still raging through poorer areas of the city and driving the annual homicide totals above 2,000.
Too tired to repost right now so scroll down. -- also on mayor bloomberg king of New York blog. Reminder ECTP 911 Tech bigger rip-off than CityTime mega mega and NY Time editorial DUH oops errr missed that -- the gigantic elephant in the room.
Just like Watergate -- ho hum -- follow the money trial -- Bloomberg, Mark Page, Team Bloomberg , Christine Quinn City Council, Bill Thompson ( hugely guilty comptroller along with Mike CityTime) not John Liu, green lighted mega theft on these Tax payers Titanics and many others. DOI failed us.
All roads lead to Bloomberg who is bragging about giving hundreds of millions away in charity but he gave billions of dpillars of our tax payer money away to be abused and frauded as in stolen and hardee har not just talking about Howie Wolfson's salary and the rest of his campaign staff he put on tax payers dole hardee har. If Bloomberg ran his private empire this way he would be poverty level along with his daughters.
Bloomberg and Quinn resign u lousy managers and corrupt dirt bags that flushed democracy down the tiolet resign. You are both frauds who should serve a term in jail.
Since than this area has re-opened over and over like a wound that won’t heal and I have the photos and years of blog posts and YouTube series documenting this.
Throughout NYC except on Mike Bloomberg’s block the streets of New York are in the worst condition possible and Mike did not inherit the City in such awful condition.
Yes the infrastructure underneath old but Mike Bloomberg and his socialite mega-millionaire city planner Amanda the People’s Burden pushed a reckless tsunami of infrastructure on OLD NY’s infrastructure and the city streets and side walks are a mess.
The expansion also have not been addressed in the subway stations which often are leaking.....there a large crowds of people left standing after trains come and go because there is no room, there is pushing and shoving to get on the trains packed like sardines which is a natural impulse and crowded stairways that were built way too long ago to accomodate the reckless expansion Bloomberg continues to green light.
Hint -- NYU the evil empire and crushes of communities East Village, West, Chelsea to South St. Seaport.....
The video footage you see above is one block from Cooper Union’s hideous larger studio that I believe is responsible in large part for the water main break above since their construction and heavy trucks work assaulting that very street with their corrupt tear down of a beautiful building.
Note I caught Cooper Union having a press conference and they made the mistake of doing it in a public space where I happen to walk by so I told the press their public relations person is lying and we hate what Cooper Union is doing to the community.
The public relations woman denied the infrastructure break video taped above was related in anyway to their build. Yeah right.
Columbia U. , Ratner Development, Willets Point, etc. etc etc really too many sky piercing condos and luxury hotels. illegal builds by Cooper Union NYU and so many others but see how the street conditions are and Trumps zone buster where a construction worker died also had a decent water main break which happened to be by the Holland Tunnel.
Welcome to Mike Bloomberg’s hideous NY where the corrupt real estate billionaires and real estate magnates posing as higher education are putting greed before the safety and well being of New Yorkers and our infrastructure building way to rapidly to be monitored by Dept of Building who in my opinion is a failure and how dead bodies and injuries have we had under Mike Bloomberg’s DOB?
What about Dept of Enviromental Protection DEP? They failed us to and they play a major role in the problems of why certain sections of streets in NYC and the East Village keep re-opening up like a bad wound with water main pipes busting, sewage, gas leaks and man hole covers exploding.....
give up 63oo emails to Haggerty! Why hasn’t the DA served subpoena’s for all of Mike and his deputy mayors emails with Haggerty’s name? The technology king is
being brought down by emails! Amazing they haven't forced
him to turned over his emails!
Below king Mike with the help of his minion prevent the people of NY from voting on term limits 2 years in a row and extend term limits!!!!!
When Mike Bloomberg bought, oops, barely won his 3rd term spending a record amount of money for the most humilating win in NYC history, he said he would work twice as hard.
Does that mean we have to pay him $2 a year now?
On the John Gambling Show, he responded to me by saying just a few people feel the way Suzannah feels...
Do you think he got the message now...?
When Mike Bloomberg says Progress we know he means get the moving van.
In my poem I wrote before he and Amanda socialite mega millionaire city planner, the people's BURDEN, aided and abetted NYU in tearing down St. Ann's from 1847 which survived everything all these years but NYU's need and greed to mega dorm the East Village to death....I wrote at the very end of Buy Town, Stuy Town, affordable housing an oxymoron... about "I love NY but I just can't afford to live here T shirts"
Mike Bloomberg is the Peter Sellers character in "Being There", just above average intelligence and instead of a comedy, it is a horror movie.
Mayor Bloomberg's confidential memo
to NYPD Ms. Kim see to it the NYPD beat the press up
and a few bloggers critical of and I will make you
the first woman Police Commissioner! Love and kisses,
Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately!
I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz