The NYDN tech folk always said I was not being censored but it was a tech glitch.
I could get on via twitter on my Iphone but not computers.
I can now sign in and comment from my computer. I am one of the few people in NYC that actually uses their real name.
I have news for you. If I can't log in and comment I feel I am being censored and commenting was a major pain in my tush from the iphone
The NY Post still has not come in to the 21st Century as in you cannot comment and read comments from smart phones or Ipads. The NY Post to date still won't let you even look at their website from an Ipad unless you pay so even though Mort Zuckerman made a very wrong choice hiring Murdoch's guy to run The NYDN which I consider much more NYC's Peoples paper NYDN is much kinder and generous to the People.
Their tech people did try to help but couldn't resolve the problem. The NYDN asks you to buy their IPad Ap but is kind and generous enough to allow you access to their website on an Ipad even if you don't buy it.
To The NY Post's credit I can now comment on their website via Facebook and that is after being suspended twice and calling and writing everyone with the last name Murdoch possible.
How ironic that NYP's sister paper The Wall St. Journal is tech years beyond both NY Post and NYDN allowing me to post comments from my phone or computer with links. They don't censor me and FYI even The Village Voice has banned my comments.
FYI: The NY Post of all people -- accused me of self promotion -- laughable -- I told them they are tech cave men and that YouTube video responses are the future. People want to use all forms of tech and social media to respond to articles and it is a good thing that takes nothing away from their articles but adds traffic.
The NY Times censors me and the worst was when Bloomberg and Christine Quinn pushed through term limits. My comment slammed Christine Quinn and slush abuse -- both of them and The NY Times flat out censored me! For those who don't know "slush" is tax payer money and Bloomberg and Quinn used it to push through an illegal third term along with back room deals. The US Attorney and Cy Vance allowed Bloomberg and Quinn to do what ever they want. They are above the law and Christine Quinn is back to abusing tax payer money and using back room deals to try and get Mike's job so she can let him have a 4th and 5th term from the golf course.
I wish I could do xxxxxxxxx (have some very specific actions I would take if I was the Feds as easy as pie) not telling you to prove what is going on illegally to help push corrupt Christine Quinn in to office.
Sad news is we have no one from NYC gov that doesn't have a corruption stained past but John Liu did do heroic work shutting down mass abuse CityTime and ECTP the 911 tech system over the 2 billion dollar payer abuse of money, over billing and in some cases blatant theft.
The NYDN, NY Post and the WSJ are now as of February 2012 giving me full freedom to comment.
Regarding me: I get harassed and have talked to NYPD, FBI and lawyers.
I only allow comments on YouTube. I and Tony Avella went to District Attorney re: Bloombergforlife Cyber stalking and also stealing Tony's identity to harass people critical of Bloomberg.
I am ready for Christine Quinn's folks to do the same. A fellow activist just had his YouTube slamming Quinn removed and my entire channel was removed.
I heard a lot of chatter on the street about a lot of info.
I sent the FBI and email that told them if they EVER need my help there is something they will have to follow through on for me. Guess what that might be.