Naked truth unbelievable -- beyond Orwellian that media black out -- poor old Howard Rubenstein and sons must be working over time to protect the posse of oligarchs running NYC and they want that pathetic poser puppet Christine Quinn. In protest no posts for x amount of hours. Watch my new YouTube.
Just a reminder, Christine Quinn brushed a side 2 investigations and discouraged a third brought by Tish James. Quinn went on NY1 and lied stating she was on top of CityTime! NY1 only does informercials so just like with Rose Gill Hearn's informercial no tough questions. The head of Dept. of Investigation said CityTime works! In my opinion another lie. CityTime will be tossed in the garbage just like Rudy's Maximus.
This goes back to Rudy and surprise all his deputy mayors and pension lawyers lobbyists! Sweet!