Mike Bloomberg may have dementia or is so full of denial it ain't funny. Rumor has it Mike even has his sister's best friend Ellen Stein as a co head of Information Technology with deputy mayor Patricia Harris's son Mike Lebow with big fat salaries but Mike makes city workers take "conflict on interest" lecture - workshop. Are you kidding me. Mike has helped every real estate pal and let his BF money manager Steve Rattner raid NY Pensions pay to play -- huge conflict of interest and Rattner avoided jail time for pay to play because He paid to not plead guilty and paid not to go jail. Rattner pleaded the 5th 64times. Ratner banned by Security Exchange Commission but Mike keeps him on his payroll but not NYC gov.
When they lecture NYC gov workers on conflicts of interest do they show video of Bloomberg Rattner Pat Harris her husband and son, Ellen Stein, and countless nyc gov workers Mike funneled money to via campaign, his charity and a dummy company?
The conflict of interest committee really exists and biggest joke in town.