Rudy gave us The Tax Payers Titanic and SAIC in my opinion corrupt outfit but Mike Bloomberg great biz tech whiz is the reason we got robbed for so long and for so much!! Mike's no 1 city hall money guy Mark Page has a degree from Harvard. I can't spell but I have the YouTube to prove I said do not renew with SAIC. I was the only one to say so. The NY State comptroller later banned SAIC from any gov contracts with the State or City. We still have then "assisting" us with CityTime. I will assist for free tossing CityTime in the garbage. Rudy made the wrong decision along with Maximus and not moving the Emergency Response Center out of the World Trade Center -- Rudy had 11 years to do so.
Including hyper link to The NY Times article on Bloomberg administration quietly not renewing Rudy's Maximus and read why. Reminder how many of Rudy's NYC gov staff connected to CityTime and SAIC.
Deposed king Mike has made this City look worse than Dinkinsville and is responsible for the largest White Collar Crimes ever in NYC gov history as well as a Tsunami of Community Crushing Development. I want one billion dollars times 3 RICO for the People of NYC from SAIC and I want $$$$$$$$ from sub-contractors who participated in a revolving door of corruption. Note: Typing with one finger on IPhone in bed with Bloomberg Flu. At least the City looked beautiful when Rudy was running it but turned out Rudy made bad decisions - cost us a fortune - yet he bankrolled the Myth of Rudy in to 30 million dollars. Mike should resign 2012 and take Team Bloomberg with him. *If you are a media outlet and or law firm using my work where is the thank you hardee har!!!!