Today’s new YouTube.... Yesterday’s YouTube.
I am wearing a 6 dollar depression bikini, 3 dollars for the tops, 3 for the bottoms on Broadway and 26th Street and I am about to turn 49 in July, love ice cream! I am going grey. FOr those following my blog I noticed greys coming in when I started dealing with Capt. Winski and the 1st Precinct re: Veteran Vendors.
I am writing you all to let you know my theory that we the people of New York have record high Con Ed Bills to pay for Con Ed’s infrastructure expansion for the corrupt Bloomberg administration. We are paying for all the Con Ed expansion for infrastructure for all the zone busting sky piercing hotels, condos and NYU mega-dorms, massive land grab abuse using eminent domain.
Con Ed could not even keep up and hired record amounts of out side contractors!
That is why are bills are so steep!
While every one is focused on Weiner’s wiener we are having a massive budgetary crisis.
We are heading in to a depression except for the rich people and for the poor it has been the case already. That is why I am wearing the bikini. Sad photographing my genitals would get me a lot more readers.