* Newsday’s Dan Janison evaluates the Bloomberg administration’s 12 years, saying that he promoted big plans, some of which failed and some that succeeded, all “on behalf of an unabashedly big government”:http://bit.ly/16pZI6q
Let me guess eval doesn't include historic abuse, theft tax payer money 911, CityTime, etc. mostly all tech excerpt Seedco, Mike's fav non profit -- they were stealing too.
Some legacy - a fake -- a poser -- with media spinning lies.
He crushed us with a Tsunami of Community Crushing Development on old NY's Infrastrucutres. He pushed Rudin Luxury Condos instead of a Trauma Level Hospital with AIDS care and a Rape Crisis Center -- and Christine Quinn hs mini me sold us out as well including St Vincent's and pushing thru an illegal third term and both abused slush to buy votes.