The reported news is a worse in the streets eyes than even reported and here is why in SAICs own 8k. "In this release, SAIC, Inc. refers to internal revenue growth (contraction) percentage, which is a non-GAAP financial measure that is reconciled to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure. The company calculates its internal revenue growth (contraction) percentage by comparing reported revenue for the current year period to the revenue for the prior year period adjusted to include the actual revenue of acquired businesses for the comparable prior year period before acquisition. This calculation has the effect of adding revenue for the acquired businesses for the comparable prior year period to the company’s prior year period reported revenue.".
CityTime SAIC Karma Time Mike B,
Chris Quinn Cursed too CityTime Curse?
Karma Bloomberg Quinn Thompson Gil Hearn Bharara????
Bharara protecting top officials nyc gov SAIC may get a shock when the trial begins and Denault begins his effort to prove others ain't so innocent themselves???
Mayor Bloomberg CityTime Nightmare Denault's Lawyer Asking for Transparency
on the CityTime Trial no word on Bohrer's/Denault motion to cough up more names, notably ssshhh...
Mayor Bloomberg CityTime Nightmare Denault's Lawyer Asking for Transparency
Denault CityTime trial Haggerty part 2
Mike Bloomberg to commit perjury again and team Bloomberg rose gill Hearn Chris Quinn amnesia?
At least Bill Thompson admits his role.
Rose Gill Hearn and Quinn guilty paint themselves as heroes!!!!
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